Love Is Crazy..

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"Good morning darling"

A sun rise & a voice wake her up from the sugary sleep, she yawing hard & open her eyes, & give little smile..

"Should I help you, to getting up"..

"No I managed" & she get up from bed, & she signed to person for come to near her..

"Darling how's baby"..

"Baby doing well" she says with smile..

"Come on getting up, it's morning, & yoga time is running, come on fast"..

"Give me only two minutes Veer, I'll come down"..

Veer- come soon darling, I'm waiting..

"Yes baba"..

Veer left the room, & she keep her both hand on her belly with carefully & says- good morning baby, mumma loves you a lot, hope you sleep well, so now it's time to get fresh & yoga, ok..

Veer come in live area & Ragini ask to Veer- where is your darling..

Veer- she is coming, she just wake up, coming down..

Ragini calls Nachiket- Nachiket, your breakfast is ready..

Nachiket coming out from room & says- thank you Ragini, where is Pragya..

Ragini- she is coming..

Nachiket dig a fork in omelette & mails get open with the log in I'd Pragya, he checks her mails, & says- I think something goes so dramatic, right now, on breakfast table..

Ragini comes to him & serve bread jam to Veer, & ask to Nachiket- why, what happened..

Nachiket sip his coffee & says with serious tone- she got a mail from Mumbai, it's from Purab..

Ragini ask to Nachiket with confusion- Purab..

Nachiket- common friend of her & Abhi..

Ragini- what he mailed..

Nachiket- is that he is successfully lunching his third album, & that album hit & get a huge success, & that's why he throws a party for his love once & for his family..

Ragini- I don't think Pragya will go there..

Nachiket done his breakfast & says- look she is having her bad mood swings nowadays, & for one person she can't deny to meet her other people, right..

Ragini- Nachi it's been seven months, & she is six months pregnant, & still she not forget that day, & that incident, actually it's hard to forget & forgive him too..

Nachiket- look I know, you are taking her side, but he have to know, that he gonna be father, she growing a child of his in her womb..

Ragini goes to open her mouth & same time she look Pragya coming towards the dinning table, with little dull face, Ragini getting up from her chair, & walks to her, & ask- is everything ok..

Pragya exhaust by her belly & she hold chair by other hand, Nachiket give his hand to her, & make her seat on chair, & she says- it's morning sickness, drowsiness makes me exhaust..

Ragini little rubbed her back & says- it's four more months..

Nachiket says to Pragya- spread your leg long & keep them on that cushion..

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