Running Marriage..

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"shush, shush"

She look side by her curtains, but she not found anything, & again she start to marching in the room, with stress & worried face, who is ready in bride attire, her attire is almost a heavy look like, but now her stressing point is big one..

"shush, shush"

She again stop her marching while looking the room, which is fully empty, & she walks to the door, & peep outside lightly, & quickly closed the door, after look so many people, who laughing & enjoying the wedding in their way, she stood by the door, her back touching the door, with the stressing breaths..

"shush, shush"

She again look her room with little fear, & she start to walk towards the balcony..

"shus" & finally she found the person who disturbing peace of room, & she comes to balcony with irks face..

"what are you up to here" she asked him with irks tone..

"I can't handle that stupid relatives surroundings" he says with irks tone, while seating on balcony end..

"is you thought I'm enjoying this stupid surrounding" she asked him back with the same irks tone..

He look her irks face & asked- did you locked that door..

She shook her head in yes, & ask him- but you seated for rituals then how you came here..

He shows his pinky finger to her & says- give everyone reason of nature call, but how did you know, that I seated for rituals..

She forcefully smile & says- your so called sister in laws, who come here & almost irritating me, by their nonsense, stupid & most irritating their giggling, argh! She says everything with lot of frustration..

He says after look her frustrated face- clam down, relax, breath in, breath out, do it for some moments Pragya & clam down your all bad mood, I have one good suggestion for you, hope you will love it..

Pragya clam down herself & open her eyes, & look Abhi with crossing her arms, he says- you ok..

Pragya shook her head in yes, & she says- but fed up by the wedding & these relatives..

Abhi make his face like a fish & give gesture that he have a idea, & she says- will you please says something..

Abhi smile & says- let's elope from the marriage..

Pragya look him with shock & says- what, have you lost it, we love each other, our families are ready for our marriage, & today is the day of our marriage, that too a grand one, & you are saying eloping from our marriage, have you lost your nuts..

Abhi- look you have only five minutes, either elope with me from grand wedding, or stay here & enjoy the wedding with lot's of relatives & their stupid & nonsense babbles..

Pragya look to door once with poor face then look Abhi, who being so cool, with eloping idea, & she asked him- with this heavy attire..

Abhi shook his head in yes & says- we are eloping for marriage only, but without relatives, & that stupid surroundings, with those fake smiles, it's better we smile from heart with small ceremony of marriage..

Pragya ask him with sad tone- what about our parents..

Abhi- they are happy for our relation, & they will be more happy after we do marriage, after eloping from our own marriage..

Pragya goes to open her mouth for reply & they listen knocks on door, they both looks to door with irritation, & Pragya says- let's go..

Abhi forward his hand to her & says- come..

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