Chapter 1

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Y/N = Your Name
F/C = Favorite Color
E/C = Eye Color
H/C = Hair Color


600 Years Before Rimuru's Reincarnation

Veldora sighed, boredom taking it's toll on the dragon as he rested his head on his arms. His blue-membrane wings folded upon his back and his tail swinging lazily. He would've liked to tear down the human city nearby, but he had to be careful. His fun would be ruined if some of those pesky adventurers they had caught him. They were no match for a True Dragon, but that didn't mean Veldora wanted the extra hassle of being hurt by their stupid little weapons.

As the black-scaled dragon had just started to drift into unconsciousness, a loud roar in the distance startled him. Veldora lifted his head up, standing on his feet as he angled his ear in the direction of the original sound and waited for another. It sounded like a dragon's roar, but he couldn't be sure. His siblings definitely were not in this area (he made sure he was far away before he settled down), but he also didn't know if any other dragons, aside from his family, lived nearby.

Then, he saw it before he heard it; a large figure with flapping wings speeding toward the clouds. The wingspan of the dragon was almost twice that of the dragon's length and (f/c) spines topped the dragon's neck. Two large, beautiful branching horns protruded from the slender head and sharp (e/c) eyes were focused upwards. The black scales reflected the sunlight and looked almost (f/c) to Veldora.

He was absolutely mesmerized.

Immediately, Veldora took off in the direction of the dragon. He was absolutely sure that whoever this female was, it wasn't any of his sisters; if it was, he would be going the opposite direction. Even from this distance, he could tell it was a female from the dragon's head. From what he knew, female dragons had a longer, more slender facial structure than male dragons did.

Veldora raced to catch up with the dragon, but she was surprisingly far. She spun and twirled in the sky as if she was dancing. The blue-hued dragon tunneled on reaching her. If there was anything he wanted, it was to find how he didn't know a beautiful dragon such as her existed.

The (f/c) dragon's (e/c) eyes met Veldora's golden orbs and the latter faltered for a second.

Don't come any closer!

Veldora stopped mid-flight, flapping his wings to keep him still as he started at her. She flew in another circle, growling as she awkwardly tucked her wing in within a second and dropped a couple feet. She let out an annoyed roar, the same one that Veldora had heard earlier. He took a second, then narrowed his eyes on her figure and movements. She wasn't just flying around freely; there was something trying to attack her.

The male's eyes flickered down to the ground where he saw human adventurers. Various skills were activated and they were aimed toward the (f/c) dragon.

Just incinerate them, Veldora replied with a roll of his golden orbs. Had it been him, he wouldn't have even bothered letting them chase him as far as she did.

Do you think I want to turn out like you? She huffed, dodging another arrow as she glanced around. From a distance, she seemed fairly large for a dragon, but now that Veldora was next to her, he could see that she was no larger than he was.

What does that mean?

It means you're an idiot.

How dare you?! Veldora glared at her as she glared back. Even if she was beautiful, he wasn't about to let an insult slip by. A small insult it was, but an insult nonetheless. I am Veldora! One of the True Dragons!

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