Chapter 2

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500 Years Before Rimuru's Reincarnation

Veldora was bored yet again. A whole century had passed, yet there wasn't a single sighting of Y/N in the horizon. He had wanted to leave the small forest to seek her out, but he had accidentally incurred another bounty right before he planned to set out. It wasn't his fault that human towns were so flamable...

Regardless, Y/N had just disappeared somewhere. The male dragon wanted to curse himself for getting his hopes up that she would return. Who was he kidding? The world was so large and she clearly wasn't one to remain in one place for too long, unlike him. She had speed and maneuvers that could've only come from countless hours of flying.

It's been twenty years since I last demolished a human city... Should I go make a small trip?

Veldora rose from his cave, stretching his wings out and flapping them to shake off the lethargic feeling in him. Even raiding the human city and burning the outlying houses was getting a bit boring after so many centuries. He couldn't exactly leave the Jura Forest though. This was the farthest he could get from all of his siblings; no way would he risk going closer to one.

Lazily flapping his wings over to the nearest town, his golden eyes scanning the ground and sky. Those pesky humans were like ants that pooled out of their homes once the nest was disturbed, not that Veldora ever stopped messing with them. He considered it a consequence of quenching his boredom. Yet, the amount of enjoyment he was getting from burning down those stupidly flammable houses was slowly decreasing, so it was beginning to not really be worth the effort.

They literally just took down your damned bounty yesterday and you're already on your way to create trouble?

Veldora spun mid-air at the slightly familiar voice of the (f/c)-hued female dragon. She had somehow managed to sneak behind him, hovering at the same height as him. Her tone held a bit of amusement as her (e/c) eyes seemed to glimmer. Veldora glared at the female and huffed childishly, masking his excitement upon seeing the familiar dragon.

What else am I supposed to do? Near immortality isn't as fun as it seems when the world keeps doing the same things over and over.

Y/N nudged her head toward the forest floor, a silent invitation to tell Veldora to follow her. The male frowned, but complied and landed in a large clearing next to her.

What? He asked. She circled around him slightly, her (e/c) orbs trailing along his figure as if she was calculating something. Veldora blushed, and then quickly growled at her to hide it.

Calm down, she appeased. I'm just trying to get an idea of how easily it would be for you to create a human mimic.

A human mimic? Veldora's voice showed his disgust at the idea. Why would I want to become a human? They're like ants that die with just a small squish.

You said you were bored, right? Y/N used her wings to slap his playfully. I'll show you how to not be bored.

Veldora hesitated, the offer tempting him despite his initial aversion.

Will it really help my boredom?

Yes, yes. Y/N gave him an airy promise. Dragons live for so long that there's no reason for us to change how we live. But humans on the other hand only live for at most a hundred years. In our one lifetime, they could go through hundreds of generations, so things change a lot in their little towns.

Veldora huffed, giving in quickly to the prospect of having something to entertain the near immortal dragon.

So, what do I need to do?

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