Chapter 3

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400 Years Before Rimuru's Reincarnation

Perhaps Y/N shouldn't have promised Veldora they'd come back as much as he wanted. She didn't expect him to like it that much. She swore she could memorize every name of the ever changing streets and describe every house ever built and torn down in the last century.

"Hurry up!" Veldora impatiently rushed as he approached the cavern that Y/N had made her home. A little over half a century ago, Y/N had agreed to Veldora's (desperate) requests to at least make a den in the Jura forest so she could return more often. The tsundere True Dragon had said that since she had just begged him to, he would help carve out a nice large cavern for her to live comfortably in. For the record, Y/N hadn't said a single word other than a 'sure' to living in the forest.

"Veldora, we literally just went to the human town yesterday..." Y/N sighed as she quickly changed to her human form. Veldora had arrived in his; he apparently really loved it, even if he insisted at first that it was a disgrace for him, as a True Dragon, to take on such a weak and measly form.

"Yeah, but..." Veldora trailed off, unable to find a refute. Y/N sighed as she could practically see Veldora's tail droop in sadness behind him. She hid a smile behind her palm as she gazed upon the dragon warmly. Despite his proud personality, he was really just a big softy that simply melted her heart.

"Fine. Just give me a second."

Y/N waved him off as he perked up immediately. His golden eyes lit up as he quickly nodded. Another smile escaped out the female dragon as Veldora rushed out the cave, tripping along the way and spinning around to check if she had seen. Of course, to protect the proud dragon's sanity, she had quickly averted her gaze and pretended to be oblivious.

Soon after they arrived to the town, it didn't take long for Y/N to forget her annoyance that they had just visited yesterday. Today, the entire town seemed more lively and there was joyful chatter all around them. More food stalls had made their appearance as well, and Y/N wasted no time in dragging Veldora to the nearest one. The male dragon followed obediently, his head practically spinning in circles as he tried to take in all the extra bustle of today's street. What was going on that was so exciting? He had to know.

"Y/N, what's that?" Veldora asked when he finally found what the masses of people were chattering about. Many of them had been pointing to the large building with a cross on it, especially the women who seemed abnormally excited. Y/N spun around to find what he was gazing at and landed on the church. The church doors were wide open, giving the two dragons a clear view of the ceremony.

"Oh, that's what all this is about." Y/N turned back to the merchant, handing the man some coins from her pouch and receiving two skewers of meat in return. He thanked her with a large smile on his face which she returned albeit without the same enthusiasm. "That's a wedding. It seems like it's open invitation.

"An open-invitation wedding?" Veldora repeated, tilting his head slightly in confusion. Y/N nodded, handing him one of the sticks. He subconsciously grabbed it and began eating. "What's a wedding?"

Y/N blinked, staring at him mid-bite into her meat skewer. Slowly, she lowered the morsel and raised an eyebrow at him. "All this time, you've never known what a wedding was?"

"O-of course I do!" The proud dragon huffed in defense. "I just need a refresher..." Y/N rolled her eyes at him, but replied anyways. She had grown used to his ways of talking since she started bringing him to the human cities. At first, she had often gotten offended at his weird ways, but after multiple instances where he had clumsily apologized to her (albeit still speaking in his roundabout way), she had learned to interpret his words normally.

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