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★★★★★ "Throughout this wonderful book you will not see any painting of a black Jesus because Images dishonour God, they obscure His Glory, it is idol worshipping which is a heinous crime before God - Thanks to the author for this masterpiece" ~ Maxwell L. B. (Reviewed in Nigeria on November 18, 2020)

★★★★★ "This book is a Must Read for anyone desiring the TRUTH! Awesome book, I have read 5 times already" ~ Michael Carlos (Reviewed in the United States on June 22, 2019)

★★★★★ "It's time to wake up Yahweh's Children! This book is Wonderful with plenty of information" ~ Paul Smith (Reviewed in the United States on January 12, 2019)

★★★★★ "I love reading this wonderful book! the writer is telling it like it is!! whether anyone cares or not!! I'm so happy I got this book! it was worth it!! I'm sick and tired of the white washed and racist lies about Jesus! He is not white-or European with straight hair and blue eyes!! and all these fake and false images of Jesus is not only a sin!! but it's blasphemy too! that's wrong!! and that is the truth-and that does matter!! it's not right to lie about anything!! no matter what it is! or who! it's still wrong! especially about the lord! so those who care about the truth-should read this book-those who don't that's your problem-not mine! the truth has set me free! I'm glad it did!!" ~ Mimi Ross (Reviewed in the United States on November 6, 2018)

★★★★★ "I love reading this wonderful book! Now I know the truth. I am very impressed with the author's ability to convey his message in simple terms and easy to read. Here's one book I must recommend to all Christian faithful and lovers of Jesus Christ. It's a brilliant work of God's anointed Evangelist" ~ Jessica Hall (Reviewed in the United States on March 07, 2021)

★★★★★ "This book goes beyond just emphasizing on its title, it gives deep Scriptural insight of WHO JESUS TRULY IS. Irrespective of tribe or race, one should really see the need of attracting the person of the Holy Spirit who will reveal this hidden truth to you according to the Author because the Holy Spirit is TRUTH. I sincerely commend the Author for this book because it will bring souls to the right mind set in other to attain SALVATION". ~ Wobo Deborah N. (Reviewed in Nigeria on January 8, 2021)

★★★★★ "This book truly unravels the mystery of the true colour of YESHUA (JESUS CHRIST). The author Evangelist T. C. Wanyanwu, in this eye-opening book has carefully revealed the hidden secrets of the ancient world with the aim of establishing men according to the gospel and preaching of Jesus Christ to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested to His saints. It is the truth that Jesus is a black man. This is a must read book for making of a perfect man in knowledge of the TRUTH and salvation of the spirit-man from bondage and deception of Satan and his agents". ~ Nitika Sharma (Reviewed in India on March 9, 2021)

★★★★★ "This book is really an eye opener to the hidden truth of who Jesus was on Earth. We must understand that the author was not trying to sound like a racist. The Roman Catholic pray to a graven image of Caesar Borgia who is believed to be an image of Jesus and so many of us (whites and blacks) have been brainwashed to believe that the image is an exact replica of Jesus while he was on Earth. With strong biblical back up and proofs, from Songs of Solomon 1:5-6, where Solomon described himself as "black and beautiful", King Solomon who was a descendant of King David, proved that Jesus came from the black race because it was written in the Bible that Jesus came from the lineage of David. Also, in Rev. 1:14-15, Jesus was described as one whose hair was like wool, feet like bronze and eyes like fire. These are the features of a black man. These Bible verses and more were used by the writer to open our eyes to the truth that Jesus while on Earth, came from the black race. However, Our Lord Jesus was, is and will remain a combination of all races because He works in mysterious ways". ~ Favour Goodhead (Reviewed in Nigeria on March 21, 2020)

★★★★★ "The Truth will set you free indeed. Confirmation, and Now I have it in writing along with Youtube Videos. The Lord is exposing on all Fronts from the White House to Hollywood to Your House. What's in the dark will be shouted from the roof tops indeed!" ~ Dee (Reviewed in the United States on May 19, 2018)

★★★★★ "Jesus Is A Black Man - is an eye opener, this master piece carefully highlighted in details with scriptural references to some of the questions that a lot of people might have in their quest to argue otherwise. A book that is filled with indepth knowledge from wide range of research to bring a conclusive end that Jesus is indeed as a matter of proven facts and relatable references that He's Black. Most people read for argument but I urge you to read it with an open mind to learn and grow. Thank you". ~ Wobeh N. Adi (PHF) (Reviewed in Nigeria on February 21, 2021)

★★★★★ "This is one of the best books I ever read this year 2021. Book codified with certainties based on researches. I must acknowledge the writer did a noble research about this topic. Yes Jesus is black and the writer has proven it to be the undiluted truth with his scrutinized researches. Remember God made Man (Adam) in his own image. He made Adam from the soil and the soil is black or brown. If God made Adam in His own image which is black then his son Christ would be black too. Thanks so much T. C. Wanyanwu for this great book". ~ RD Anuforo Ferdinand C. (Reviewed in Nigeria on February 27, 2021)

★★★★★ "This was a phenomenal book. Pulled me in right away. Would recommend for people. Great job, T. C. Wanyanwu. I look forward to your next books" ~ Crystal Soto (Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2021)

★★★★★ "This book is an international awestruck, authored by a great researcher, educationist, reformer, Motivational speaker, a grounded Christian and a soul winner T. C. Wanyanwu. I received a free copy from the author as a way of appreciating me for the little I've contributed in his life, we are determined to change the world by unveiling hidden truth. Trust me, this book is an eye opener because truth illuminates. Be quick to grab a copy. When the book was first published and launched online, I was amazed at how people from India, USA etc embraced it. Don't wait to be told. I have a copy, go get yours" ~ Daniel Moses (Reviewed in Nigeria on November 30, 2021)

★★★★★ "Thisbook is so insightful! A combination of deep theological, historical,scientific and socio-cultural research. Based purely on empirical studies. Amust-read" ~ Dr.Akaninwo V. (Reviewed in Nigeriaon December 30, 2021)

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