*Marzia's P.O.V.*
How the hell did this happen to us. I don't have time to think about that right now. I have a concert to get ready for. I have to go shopping. Me and Elsa swam to the shore by my cliff so no one could see us. We had to sit on the shore for about 10 minutes before the tails came off. That is when I ran into my cave and grabbed all the money I had. I wanted to look nice for the band. I told Elsa I would talk to her later. I walked to a nice little dress and shoe shop. I took one glance ahead of me and I saw the perfect dress. I ran over to it. I looked at the price tag and cursed at myself. I couldn't afford it. I made a sad face. Then a guy with blond hair and blue eyes came up to me.
"You really like that dress don't you?" He said and smiled.
"Yeah I do. I have never seen anything like it." I said sheepishly and blushed. He took the dress off the rack and took it to the cashier. He bought the dress and gave it back to me in the bag. I took it from him then we gave each other a hug and said our goodbyes'. He was actually kind of cute. I hope we see each other again. I went and looked around and saw a golden pair of heels. I bought them and but them in a bag. I took them to Elsa's house and she helped me get ready. She even straightened my hair for me. I love my hair like this. By the time we were done it was time to leave for the concert. I grabbed a light jacket and headed off out the door. I asked her if I could use her bike and she said yes. so I grabbed her ice blue bike and rode on down to the stage 4 arena. When I got there I parked the bike and put a lock on it. I walked inside and found a good spot in the 3rd row. When it was time to get started everyone sat down and went pitch black. It was just dead silence. Then strobe lights came on and 5 boys came out. One had brown curly hair and had a black t-shirt and blue jeans. Another one looked like the guy that bought me the dress. The next one had his hair to the side and was wearing red pants with a white and blue striped shirt with brown suspenders. The one after that had black hair and looked like was in a gang group. The last one looks like the one with suspenders on expat more facial hair. After a couple of songs they did a Twitter Q&A. I posted a question asking what their names were. The first one was Harry, then Niall, then Louis, then Zayn, then Liam. After that they announced they would call up one lucky winner to the stage.
"And the winner is... Marzia Santigo." Niall said. I smiled and stood up. As I was walking down the aisle to go to the stage I started to blush. As I got to the middle of the stage Zayn pulled a stool out. He told me to sit on it. I did. All of a sudden a slow song came on. Niall Started singing to me.
Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me. But bear this in mind it was meant to be. And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks. And it all makes since to me. I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile. You've never loved your stomach or your thighs. The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine. But I'll love them endlessly.
I smiled really big and my eyes were watering. When Niall finished he gave me red roses. I walked off stage and rode Elsa's bike back to her. I left the concert and it was not even finished. It was just too weird. Niall didn't actually like me. Did he? Why would a pop star want to date a homeless person, especially me. I like him but I don't love him. This is too much to think about. I dropped the bike off to Elsa and ran to my cave. Then I fell asleep.

Niall's Princess! An H2O experience.
Fanficwhat happens when One Direction has a charity concert for homeless people? Why do they kidnap a girl and keep her. What will happen when Niall falls in love her? Lets just say there will be problems, sadness, heartbreaks, and joy. If you want to fin...