*Marzia's P.O.V.*
I walked in on Elsa doing ice magic. It was so cool.
"How do you do that?" I said all of a sudden making her jump. When she jumped a wall of sharp pointed ice appeared. I stepped back in a flash.
"Marzia you know not to scare me like that. Plus a magician never reveals their secrets." She said. But the way she said it this time sounded like she was hiding something from me. I didn't bother to asker if she was.
"Can you take me somewhere please?" I asked politely. She took a minute to think but eventually she answered me.
"Where do you want to go?" She asked.
"It's an island but I don't know the name of it." I admitted. She looked at me serious.
"Where is this island?" She asked. I told her I could see it from in our meeting place in the water. She looked at me weird.
"If you just go get your boat I can show you." I told her in a calm tone. She shook her head yes at me and I sighed in relief. We went out to her shed in her backyard and grabbed her old row boat. We took it by my cave and put in the water. We pushed it out into the water a little bit and jumped in. We both grabbed a paddle and started paddling. After the 10 miles I told her to stop and we did. I looked around. I could still see it from here. I told her to look behind her really close.
"Wow when did that get there?" She asked in awe.
"I don't know but I want to explore that island." I said and started to paddle again. We paddled for about 15 minutes before we hit the shore. We both got out and threw the anchor in the water. I saw a little volcano at the top of the island. For some reason I could hear it calling to me.
"We have to go inside there." I said and pointed to the volcano. Elsa backed away shaking her head no. After a while I reasoned with her and she finally agreed to come with me. We ran all the way up to the volcano. We couldn't find the way in. I was walking the all of a sudden I fell. When I stopped falling I looked up and saw a little hole I fell threw. I tried to yellow Elsa. She was finally able to hear me. A second later she fell threw the hole. We looked around and saw a little staircase. I went to it and walked up it. In this area was a little pool. I walked around by the walls. I saw some carvings in the wall. I walked to them. It's said Ricky, Emma, Cleo, and Bella named this island Manko Island. All of a sudden I fell into the little pool. Elsa came in after me. When we looked up we saw particles from our body going up to the top of the volcano. This was weird. Me and Elsa got our ass's out of there. We ran back to the boat and went to my cliff. We were both sitting inside of my cliff still in shock. I asked her if she wanted to go for a swim and said said yeah. We we went to the edge of the water and just let the waves his our feet. 10 seconds later we fell over and had mermaid tails. We crawled into the water and swam out to a deep spot.

Niall's Princess! An H2O experience.
Fanfictionwhat happens when One Direction has a charity concert for homeless people? Why do they kidnap a girl and keep her. What will happen when Niall falls in love her? Lets just say there will be problems, sadness, heartbreaks, and joy. If you want to fin...