Chapter 7: The Reveal.

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*Marzia's P.O.V.*

When I woke up Niall was gone. I sat up and looked around the room. All of my stuff that was in the corner is gone. I stood up and went over to the window. The view was so pretty. You could see a lake and the sun that was now rising. The sun reflecting on the lake so so beautiful. I finished looking out the window and walked out of the room and down the stairs. I saw a note on the table along with a plate of breakfast. I sat down and ate my breakfast first it consisted of pancakes, eggs , sausage, and orange juice. It was good I didn't know that famous people could cook that good. I picked up the note and read it.

Dear marzia, we have to go to an interview be back around noon,

Love Niall, Louis, Harry, Liam, and Zayn.

Oh well that's just great I'm left alone in my "new" home and I haven't even been here for over 24 hours. I put my plate in the sink. I walked back upstairs and went into the bathroom. I felt very dirty. I started the shower. I was scared, and I hope no one comes home while I am in here. I took a step in the shower. After a few seconds I though I was fine, but the I fell over. I had the massive tail again. Why and how did this happen? As quickly as I could I washed up, and stopped the water. I guess all I do is now wait till I'm dry. It took about 15 minutes before I was dry. I quickly got out. I put my undergarments on. Then I put on a knee length pink dress. It also had a purple heart on it. I brushed my hair and straitened it. I walked out of the bathroom. I could here the boys coming through the door at the moment. I hurried up and went into Niall's room. He walked in.

"Hey how was the interview?" I asked. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"It was ok but I feel better now that I can relax." He said and laid on his bed. I giggled and laid down as well. We both turned to face each other. I looked him in the eyes. He looked back into mine. I never realized how crystal blue his eyes were until now. They were mesmerizing.

"Marzia?" He said my name but more as a question.

"Yes?" I asked back.

"Would you like to know why we brought you here, and by that I mean the real reason." He said looking down.

"Yes please its been killing me inside." I said.

"It was because I couldn't stop thinking about you. I love you." He said and blushed. I blushed as well. 

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