*Marzia's P.O.V.*
When I woke up there were security guards in front of me. All I could think about was why they were here and what do they want. Once they saw I was awake they backed away from me. Then a boy walked up to me. He had short brown hair and he wore red skinny jeans and a white and blue striped shirt with brown suspenders. He kinda looked like Louis from One Direction. What am I saying it wouldn't be him. I mean just look at me I'm homeless and I barely shower. So why would he ever want to see me. He threw a towel at me.
"Go take a shower. You smell." He said with a serious face. Well that was a nice way to say it. I got up off of the couch and he started walking away.
"Do you guys know where the loo is?" I asked one of the security guards. The one named Paul showed me where it was. Once he left and showed me were everything was I locked the door. I took my clothes off and hoped in the shower. I started the water then got my hair wet. I took the shampoo Paul told me to and washed my hair with it. Mmm it smelled like strawberries. Then I took the same brand of conditioner and washed my hair with that. Then I washed my body with body wash that smelled like coconut. Once I was done rinsing my body and hair I got out and dried off. I looked on the counter and noticed my clothes were gone and new ones were there. I put them on and they fit perfectly unlike my other clothes that were baggy on me. These clothes were really cute to. I walked out of the bathroom and went back out to the living room.
"The boys will be out here any minute." Paul said as soon as I walked in the living room. I took a seat on the recliner and put the foot rest out. I spredded my legs out on the foot rest. Paul had left the room. With in the next couple minutes five familiar bouys walked out. The one with blonde hair was the only one that I could tell was actually smiling.
"Hello glad we could meet again." They all said at the same time.
"What am i doing here and how did you find me?" I said.
"Well Niall here kind of followed you to your cave and this is your new house." Louis said.

Niall's Princess! An H2O experience.
Fanficwhat happens when One Direction has a charity concert for homeless people? Why do they kidnap a girl and keep her. What will happen when Niall falls in love her? Lets just say there will be problems, sadness, heartbreaks, and joy. If you want to fin...