Chapter 5- Obsession

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"Care to Explain?" Nick and the Boys asked Leon with the look.

"Now, Now settle down. We have a discussion to continue". Prof Karl said." And besides Leon have a lot of explaining to do" He followed with a grin of his face.
Turns out  Prof Karl is one of the people who stans Celestine Rose. Then he continued the lecture.

And Leon sigh and murmured" Rose is part of my personal life so you better shut up or i will wipe that grin of your face".

"You were saying something, Mr. Rai?" Prof. Karl said.

"Oh nothing sir, anyway please continue sir" Leon show a fake smile and laugh as he said it.

And the prof continued the discussion.

Nick have seen that smile so he whispered to Leon.

"Hey don't even think about beating him up." Nick said. "You know that Rose will be mad at you if you get into trouble right?".
Leon said" So? It's not like Rose and I are a thing. I just hate when people assume things so much and dream about it."

Nick said "Wanna get revenge on him later?".

"How? You said I can't beat him up." Leon whispered.

" Don't worry King, Your knights got you" Nick said." We just don't want you getting sad again. So you better take care of yourself".

"Shhhh stop that are gonna make a scene" Leon said.

Then Nick wrote a letter and pass it on the other people and they read the letter and they nodded to Nick.

"So what did you say to them?" Leon asked.

"This will be fun." Nick said and he whispered the plan to Leon.

As the class continues. Celes walks to her room. as she was walking she saw Abby waiting for her.

"Aaaaabbbyyy!!!!" Celes Said as she runs towards Abby and hugs her.

"Celesss!!!!!!!", Abby said as she hugs her too. " You know what's today right?".

"Yea the day that i will answer to their letters". Celes said with determination.

"Yeah that's the spirit" Abby said.
"So let's go? The first one is at the gymnasium." Abby said.

"Yea let's end this quickly so Leon won't wait that long on us."Celes said.

"Yea you are right we have to hurry then". Abby said.

So they walk to the gymnasium. As expected, There is a dude waiting for Celes there.

" Are you ready?" Abby said as she gave the guys letter to Celes.

"Yea, I'm not nervous. I declined every confession remember?". Celes said.

Then Celes and Abby walk towards the guy.

"Hello, So what do you want?" Celes said.

" I like you Celes. Please date me!" The guy said a piece.

" Thank you, and i acknowledge your braveness , thank you for making me your inspiration. But the thing is i don't see it that way. I'm sorry but. I'm gonna say no. And you deserve someone else. Didn't your best friend like you? Why not give that a chance?." Celes said.

"Thank you. You will always be my inspiration." The guy said and left the gym.

Abby and Celes Sigh. " One down, More to Go" Abby said.

"Yeaah. We have to go now." Celes said.

"Yea let's go!" Abby said as they leave  the gym and run to the next location.

As they began through the letter. Celes keep declining and giving them knowledge to those people. And Abby gave the letter back to them.

"Just a little more" Celes said.

And Abby and Celes go to the location at specified time then  Celes keep declining the confession of the guys.

Then they go to the convenient store and get something to drink. Abby gave the drink to Celes as they take a break.

"Okay the last one is at the back of School". Abby Said as she drink the water at the water bottle.

"Do i really have to go , I mean it's getting pretty a bit late and Leon is still waiting for me." Celes pout.

" Yes you have to go, And besides it's the last one so rest assured that you can focus on your studies tomorrow , to your s.c works, and you can focus on Leon." Abby said.

"Yes you are right". Celes was field with determination " We should go then, hurry!!".

So They finished drinking the water and the go to the back of the school.

As they walk closely to the back, Celes and Abby heard people talking.

" She is coming . Are you ready? I know you are. You can do it. All of us are here for you. If she says no, Let's go with plan B. We will turn a blind Eye." The guy said.

So Celes and Abby stop from walking.
"You heard what the guy said right? Are you sure you wanna continue? We can just bail out." Abby Said.

" You said this is the last one so let's finish this so i can have some time with Leon." Celes said.

"But wait i have to text someone. Because we will be late because of this." Abby Said.

"Wow you have someone? Wow so gorgeous Abby." Celes said as she hugs Abby.

"Yea yea this will just be in a second". Abby let go of the hug and go to a corner and text.

As Celes is waiting, her mind goes. " Maybe i should get a selfie with him later or tomorrow so i can make it a wallpaper in our phones.

" Yea I'm ready!! So let's go?" Abby said.

Celes spaced out a bit and came back" Yea let's go.".

As they walk they saw 5 Guys waiting and one of them spoke up. " Hello you came!!" The guy said.

"Yea we came, so what's all of this?"  Celes said.

" Oh they're just here to give me support." The guy said." Anyways, I'm Brian".

"Okay Brian, So what do you want to talk about?" Celes said.

"I brought you here, for you to know how i feel". Brian said.

"Okay, let's hear it." Celes said.

"Rose, I've been looking at you from the hallway, I see that you are very nice, intelligent and beautiful. So will you go out with me?" Brian bowed as he said that question.

"Sorry but i have to decline. I really don't see you that way. I know that you see me like that but. I have to say no". Celestine said.

"Excuse me? What?" Brian said.

"I'm sorry but i really don't see you like that. I only see you as a fan of mine. I'm thankful that you chose me as your inspiration but I have to decline on your confession." Rose said.

Brian pushed Celes down to the ground and He landed on top of her.

" I liked you for so long. But you chose him and not me." Brian said.

"Hey Stop!! You better let her go!!" Abby ran to Celes but she was grabbed and pulled down by the friends of Brian.

"Don't bring Leon into this" Celes said as she was struggling to get out of Brian's grasp.

then Brian slapped Celes. " Enough struggling. Make sure Abby is accompanied" Brian said to Celes and his friends."He is not here Celes, I might as well have a taste of you."

As Brian brought his face closer to Celes's Neck and His hands on Her breast. Celes screamed.

"Yea you don't have to be so loud. I'm already here Celes." Leon said as he ,Nick, and the other friends walk towards them.

Celes looked around and the guys that pinned down Abby were beaten down.

" You know ...what i really hate, obsessed fans." Leon said as he clench his fist and popped his knuckles.

~To be continued~

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