Chapter 2- Confession

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As Leon walks to the stairs to the door of the rooftop he heard something, two woman are talking to each other.
Leon slowly move upward and sneek on the side of the door and tried to peek. A teal haired girl with blue eyes.. it's Celes And a brown haired girl.

"Oh i guess a this is a typical love confession" Leon said in his mind. "But maybe not. Let's not get too excited. Maybe Both of them like Nick so they wanted my advice or something."

"Are you sure he's coming?" Girl asked Celes.
"Yes Abby. The Stars will guide him to me. He will come. I won't lose hope" Celes replied.

"Wait ,could it be?"
Leon remembered that quote was from the book that he covered his face. He only saw a glimpse of the girl. As he remembering things he didn't notice the bottle and it smack a lot and made a loud noise.

"Who's there?! Show yourself. I will beat you up if you don't show up right now." Abby Shouted.

"Well there is no escaping that." As he fix himself and slowly  open the door.
"H-Heyy.." Leon slowly goes outside the door.

Both girls were in shock to see Leon.

"Ss-so you really came Leon" Celes fixing her composure.

"You called me out with this letter, remember?" Leon reach out his pocket and showed the letter.

" I'm just gonna leave both of you two about it, Celes just text me later" and Abby rushwalk to the stairs and leave them too. Celes blushed thinking about being alone with Leon.

Awkward silence...

"So, why did you call me here ?  Rose ,right?" Leon tried to break the ice as he walk toward the wired wall of the rooftop not looking at Celes.

"L-listen i called you here becausee...." Celes slowly loosing her composure. As Leon walks closer towards her.

"Because.....?" Leon looked at Celestine's Eyes.

"You know, what?" Leon Gets two seats and place it facing each other. " Seat here Rose" Leon holds Celes on here shoulder and push her down to sit on the seat. And Leon place his sit facing him and manspread at the seat.

" So let's start this over" Leon trying to make her calm.

" Hello, I'm Leon Rai. You are?" Leon started his introduction.

"H-Hello, I'm Celestine Rose." Rose is still nervous.

" Can i ask why you called me here? Try to breathe slowly so you can answer." Leon followed to make her calm.

Celes tried to breathe deeply and slowly. And she calmed.
" I called you here because" Celes said and breathes slowly.

"Because?" Leon thinks that she likes Nick so he's just confident that she wants advice for nick to like him.

" Leon Rai, I like you! Please go out with me!" Celes shouted her heart out.

"Huh?" Leon got so confused as like his soul left his body for answer.

And Leon shake his head as he said" Can you say it again?"

// In Leon's mind "What the fuck is this? I really don't see myself as a attractive one. Why is she confessing to me? I don't know what is going on but i have to decline. She won't get me that easy".//

Leon lost his composure and giggles. "Pfffft..You like me? You really are something". Leon Laughs.

Celes was shock because she didn't expect that reaction and remain speechless.

"You like me? Really? You honestly think I'm gonna believe that?" Leon giggles.

" Y-Yea i like you. I really like you so go out with me." Celes stand her ground.

"Yea, No. I'm gonna say No on that." Leon answered that with a smile. " Feel free to do what you want tho" Leon followed his answer.

"I won't give up on you, i will court you Leon Rai till you like me back and be mine". Celes got motivated and determined

" I like that answer ". Leon smile and wink at Celes as he walk towards the door. " So let's go , your friends and surely Nick is with them waiting for us at the bottom". Leon replied...

"Wait i have to ask you, Why do you like me anyway? Above all other guys and girls that like you so much more than i do." Leon turns to Celes and He slouch on the wall next to the doorway.

"You don't know?" Celes ask Leon.

Leon flip Celestine's Forehead "Ow!" Celes pout in pain rubbing her red forehead.

" Why would i ask if i really don't know?"Leon look at Celes with his one eyebrow raise.

"I like you because, you said something that really shocked my heart to want you more" Celes blushed after telling that to Leon.

"Well? Tell me." Leon got curious like there are stars on his eyes.

"It was one time, when i was fixing the signs and posters at the hallway. You were walking and talking with Nick and you saw me gaze upon you and i quickly look at the poster and when i turn back you were close to me and you look me in the eye and you said" "Wow ,Your eyes are so Empty, Just like mine." And you got pulled by Nick as he apologizes to me. From that moment, You woke my heart up. You saw what i really felt even if i faked my smile. You saw my emotion one soul to the other. So at that moment my heart flutters everytime you nod and do your cute smile at me at the hallway as you walk by to your class . So that's why i like you so much and i want you to be mine". Celes blush so much.

// In Leon's Mind "What the fuck? Why is this happening? calm down!!! Don't paniiiccccc!!! I wanna hug her so baaadddd!! Don't do it!! Don't blushhhhh!!!! Think of something.. That's it."//

"So that's why everyone in the campus were looking at me like they want to kill me. Then they tend to not even talk to me and were mad at me for the whole 3 months" Leon Showed no emotion and showed a thinking emoji.

"What! They did what?!" Celes got straight up mad.

"Nevermind that.. It's fine now." Leon tries to calm her down.

"Nick and the others are waiting for us so we better go" Leon Followed up.
To be Continued~~

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