Chapter 6- Affection

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"You? What are you doing here?" Brian said with frightened voice.

"Do you need help Leon? I really need to stretch you know that." Nick said.

"Not really but since his friends are waking up". Leon said as he was controlling his rage.

"Oy Oy you don't know who i am and what I'm capable of? So you take a step back and you better yet fuck off." Brian said.

"I don't know what you did to us but, I'm sure that we will beat the crap out of you" Brian's friends said as they were stretching and getting ready to put hurt on Leon.

"Oh i guess you really some help Leon" Nick said as he stance with clenched fist ready to fight.

"2 against 7 of us? Don't make us fix your funeral " The friend of Brian said and all of them laugh as they pick up ready up.

"Make that 3, Sorry I'm late Nick" The guy entered from the shadow.

"introduction tommorow, fight now" As Leon ran to the 1st guy and hard punch him.

Then followed by Nick to the enemy getting punch. back and forth from face being punch to the other. It was a riot. Brian's friends lasted for 6 mins getting punch  with Leon getting punched as well.

"STAY BACK!!" "STAY THE FUCK BACK" Brian said as he was terrified of knowing that his friends got beat up by Leon, Nick, and some other dude. He looked at Celes crying  and said" If you will not love me, then nobody will".
Brian stand up quickly and pull Celes with his butterfly knife on her throat and said."You know that i can do this right?".

"Nice knife, i know where that is from" Leon said as he was beating up the face of Brian's friend and he stop. " That knife is from Thorns right?".

"Yea and you know what happens if you mess up with thorns right.. You're gonna get spiked so fuck off" As Brian threatens Celes  as he point the edge of the knife to her throat.

"You know that you are messing up the treaty right?" Leon said.

"So? No one will know if No one is alive. And besides I'm gonna enjoy murdering you and your friends after this." Brian said.

"Save.. me.. Leon" Celes said as she shed tears.

"Let me ask you Brian, What Part of Celes do you like the most?" Leon said.

"Huh?" Brian got confused. "Just shut up, if she doesn't love me then nobody will love her again".

"Is it the HEAD for being smart? Or the BUTT for being so hot? Surely, There is something you like HIM Celes". Leon said as he tries to tease Brian.

"Don't worry Celes, I will follow through."  Leon said as he ready himself to run.

" Do you promise?" Celes said.

"I promise and besides. We're gonna buy something tommorow remember?" Leon said.

" What is this, saying goodbye i see, too bad you're not gonna meet up in heaven. But both of you will die soon" Brian said as he laugh at Celes.

"But I've been wondering what's that green thing on your teeth" Leon laughed.

"Huh.. i don-" Brian said . Then Celes hit her head on the chin of Brian and that discombobulated him.  Celes run towards Leon and He hugged Celes tight.

" Now shall we begin?" Nick said as he was done roping the enemy.

" I gotta go, I have a meeting to go" The guy said and he ran to the bus stop as fast as he can.

"Yea thanks!! " "No i have to do it my way" Leon said  "Celes.."

"Yes?" Celes said as she hugs Leon tight.

"Can you close you eyes and ears for a bit?" Leon said as he hand his earphones to Celes and put it on her ears and he mild blows on her eyes for it to close.

Then he turn Celes for her not to see what's happening behind.

"Nick watch her" Leon said .

"Understood" Nick said.

"Let's begin Brian" as Leon rush punch Brian and Beat the crap out of him.

as the song continues on Leon's phone and so as Leon's knuckles hitting Brian's.

"You like that Brian" Leon said as he keep punching the shit out of Brian.

"You surely enjoy this thing huh Leon?" Nick said.

"Well--" Leon stopped. " It's been awhile so i might aswell enjoy it." and Leon continues to beat the crap of Brian.

"PLEASE STOP--" Brian said as his face was bleeding and cover with bruises.

"You shouldn't have to touch someone who is special to me in the first place" Leon said as he hard punch Brian in the stomach.

"Yes I'll leave her alone please stop." Brian crying said.

"Yea fine. You are no fun." Leon stop and Brian tried to run but Leon kicked his ass even harder to push him to the ground and fell onto the ground.

"Anyways it's done" Leon said as he remove the earphones on Celes's ear and take his phone.

" So, I'm cute?" Celes giggled as she was hugging Leon.

"Rose, something happened to you and you focus on me saying you are cute?" Leon said as he flick her forehead.

"Leon so meany" Celes said as she rub her hands on her forehead.

"Anyways we gotta bring you and Abby to your dorm, are you okay with that?" Leon said.

"Yes i would love to". Celes said.

"But how are we gonna get her." Leon said.

"She seems fine. After what you did to them Ofcourse they won't focus on Abby.. They just left her unconscious." Nick said as she fix Abby's Clothes.

"I guess i have to carry her" Leon said.

"Noooooo!! Stooopp" Celes said.

"What is it?" Leon said.

"Nothing.." Celes said and she pouted.

"Do you want me to carry you instead of her?" Leon said.

"Yes. I want you to carry me on your back" Celes said and giggled.

"Okay fine Rose. I guess you are the one who will carry Abby Nick". Leon said.

"Why me?" Nick said with tired look.

"Because we both know that she will be noisy as ever if we didn't follow". Leon said as he point on Celes.

"Yea fine , so let's go?" Nick said as he carries Abby.

" Yea let's go"  Celes said as she jump on Leon's back.

"No need to jump like that" Leon said as he grabs to hold on Celes.

So they walk on the night on the street to go to their dorm and they talk about Brian and how they stop him if he snitch.
Then they reached Celes's Dorm with Abby woke up.

"Thanks for saving us Leon and Nick". Abby said. " We are really lucky that you were there for us."

"Oh it's fine, anyways we better go" Leon and Nick said.

Celes rush at Leon and hug him tight and she said. "Thank you so much for saving us. I really mean it".

The Celes let go and go for a quick kiss on the cheeks of Leon.

"Bye!! See yah tomorrow." Celes said and she go the Abby and waved Leon and Nick goodbye.

And Leon walked away to their dorm.

As they were making their way to the dorm. Leon began to wonder. And Nick notice.

"What's the problem Leon?" Nick said " I know that there is something so say it."

"It's nothing.." Leon said" I just wonder who was the guy that help us on that fight.."

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