Chapter 27: Baby time

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Author Note: Sorry I been away, not only have was I not feeling good, I was also traveling but I am back now so lets hope into the story


Time skip to a month and half

Korra had been stress out since everyone had got back from the wedding a month and half ago and it have not hope that Asami and Kuvira harmony have been going crazy. Korra was at work sitting in the office when she had a flashback to when she was just sitting in the living room watch tv when out of no where Kuvira walk up to her and sat in her lap, with out saying a word Kuvira start kissing Korra neck and filling up on her. She had try to push Kuvira off but Asami decide she want to join the party. That night Korra could not keep up with them for once because she was to worry about the damage that could happen to the babies. So since there Korra have been kind of hiding from them.

Korra was finishing up paperwork when her phone start to ring

Korra: hey bae what wrong

Kuvira: Oh nothing just Asami water just broken and I might be right behind her

Korra: Listen I will there in five minutes and we are going straight to the hospital

With that Korra ran out and jump in her car. with in three minutes she was at the house and running inside seeing Asami breathing hard on the sofa and Kuvira bent over holding her side. With out thinking Korra walk over and sat Kuvira down beside Asami and ran to get their bags and drop them off in the car, after she came back in pick Asami up and took her to the car and place her inside and than she did the same to Kuvira.


Do yo already made arrangement both girls was place inside the same room, and just as they got there Kuvira water decide to break. Korra was losing her mind until the Asami call her over to her.

Asami: hey bae please come here

Korra: Yes love do you need anything

Asami: yes I want you to stop and start breathing

Kuvira: Please do we practice and if you are not calm you will make this worst on us

Korra: Ok I got this, I will can do this

---Time skip--

It was roughly 10 to 12 hours of Korra get cuss out and yell at before both of her kids was finally here.

Asami was hold Krystal and Kuvira was holding Korren Jr smile down. Korra just stood back and took a picture and sent out to everyone welcoming the babies into the world.

Krystal Jayden Sato-Avatar came out at 7lbs 9 oz. 20 inches

Korren Jay Avatar Jr came out at 8lb 5 oz. 21 1/2 inches

both babies came out with black hair blue eyes fair skin

----Time Skip----

Its been a month since they bough the babies home and it was taken drain all three of them, It was like the Korra was not around Krystal would cry which would cause KJ to cry. Asami and Kuvira sworn they was twins sometime. They also notice that KJ was very protect over Krystal and would cry or through a fit if his sister was not in his sight.

Korra decide to take both of the babies for the day so their mothers could get a break and even go check in with work with they wanted to.

Korra had decide that she was going to take them to visit their grandparents that was near and video chat her parents later so they could see them.

----Sato house---

Yasuko: OMG I can not believe how big they have gotten

Hiroshi: Yes I see KJ do not like being away from Krystal

Korra: No he does not, watch this

Korra grab Krystal from Yasuko and was about to walk away when KJ start crying in Hiroshi lap because Korra was taken his sister and not him to, with that Korra gave Krystal back to Yasuko so KJ could stop crying

Hiroshi: He is going be a very protective brother when they get older

Korra: Yea which will be great but I have a feel if Krystal is like Asami, KJ is not going to like how his sister can take care of her self and they will be fighting a lot

Yasuko: Well KJ just have to remember that Krystal is the oldest by a few hours

Korra: Yea they way they act, you will sworn they are twins

Hiroshi: Yeah true lol

Korra let the Satos enjoy the babies for a little bit longer before she took them to see Lin

----Beifong house---

Kya: Awww look at the little ones

Lin: What have yal been feeding KJ

Korra: Nothing he just got my appreciate

Lin: I see he a big boy and Krystal, how is her appreciate

Korra: Its just the same but she may eat like 1/3 less then KJ

Kya: Well they both health so that all that matter

Korra: Yes, it is

Lin: So how my daughter and daughter in law

Korra: They both doing good I have not idea what they got into today because I often to take the babies for the day

Kya: Mmmm well at least yal are taken turn watch they babies

Korra: Yea

Korra stay there so Kya and Lin can play with them for a little longer until KJ decide it was nap time and Korra decide to take them home so all three of them could nap

----after nap time---

Korra was laying on her bed with the babies while she video call her parents

Senna: look at how big they are getting, I can not wait until we come down in a few weeks

Tonraq: Yes, I am so proud of you Korra

Korra: Thanks I did not think I could do it to be honest

Senna: While you did great from what we can see

Korra kept talk to her parents while the babies play in front of the camera for a few more moment.

----Time skip---

Asami and Kuvira walk into the house and notice it was clean and there was sign of their small family. Kuvira look at Asami and suggest they check the play room. Just as Asami was going she hear Krystal giggle and Korra talk to them.

Korra: KJ whos daddy prince

Korra: Krystal are you my princess

Asami: well what does that make me and Kuvira

Korra: That's easy my queens

Kuvira: Aww while I love you too my King

The night finish off with the little family eating and than bath time after they all want to bed

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