The Beginning

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Narumi POV:

I just got to the store and I'm holding a list of things I need for my house. Ramen, Chocolate, and White Pillow to put my face on. The last one was for Tsunade because I want to annoy her.

I walk in and I see a group of people in black clothes around the store just watching everyone and I'm feeling uncomfortable. When I'm done shopping I go to walk home. I notice the men are all over the area so, I decided to take the back way through the ally. 

When I'm closer to my house I see one of the men and I jerk back fast. He was on the phone with someone and I was listening because I had nothing better to do.

The man: The area is secure only one person lives in the far neighborhood so we can set up there.

???: Who are they? I don't want them interfering with anything.

The man: It's a girl, her name is Narumi. I don't think she will be much of a problem.

???: Fine, but if she is I will fire you!

The man: Y-yes boss I will make sure she is not.

The man hangs up his phone and walks away fast. They were talking about ME?!?! I got worried and wanted to know more. I was scared they were going to do something to me. 

On my way home I registered for an online fighting class just in case. When I got to my house I went in and locked my door. Then I looked outside and seen them all around my house! They were all over town. What could they be doing here?

Time skip two weeks

I've been doing my lessons and I have not left my house much because of the "problem". Last week it only got worse because they started moving into all of the empty houses. I don't mind if people move in but, when it is these people, that's a different story.

I've seen some people in town "visit" the main house which is the biggest on the street. They always leave with a bag of something. I took pictures and when I gave the old lady the pillow I showed her and she seemed unsurprised.

Narumi: Why are you not at all fazed?

Tsunade: It has happened before.

Narumi: Really, then you know what is going on?

Tsunade: Yes, but they are probably watching you, to make sure you're not a problem.

Narumi: So then, they already-

Tsunade: Yes, they are already aware of this conversation.

I run out of her house as fast as I can and lock myself in the house. I lasted only a week before I needed more food. I walk outside and go to the store. I buy as much as I can before leaving. I was a few steps from my house. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder, I immediately turn around and kick them.

Then, I see more men coming closer. I try to fend them off but I can't in the end, everything went black. I had passed out.

Author note: I hope you like this new series I'm not so good at writing so this is new to me but I hope to get support from all of you. Also sorry it's short.

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