Finding a Fox Girl!?

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Sasuke POV

I was pacing around not knowing what to do when I hear that Shikamaru found where she last checked in at. It was a hidden motel in an alleyway not too far from the hotel we were staying at. They were in a hurry because she had information about the mafia they were in. They grabbed everything they would need to storm the place.

They had set a day of the attack and were prepared to burn the place down if she did not cooperate. Shikamaru devised a plan to get in without drawing too much attention to themselves. They decided to sneak in and take her at night while she was sleeping. Even if she was not sleeping they were going to take her by force.

They had guns and bombs, they were ready. Now they just ha to wait till nightfall. Their plan was to take her while she was asleep and if anyone interfered to kill them. Sasuke was going to punish Narumi by putting her in a locked room for three days all alone, without food or water.

Meanwhile with Narumi

I can't even believe what just happened. I began my transformation, I ran from Sasugay, and I found Menma after so many years. I wonder what Sasuke is doing right now? He may possibly be finally doing some mafia stuff. If he ever did he never showed me. I think it might be the first time he ever had a hostage. That could be why he is so nice to me. Well...was nice to me, until the incident. 

I went to my new room it looked amazing. It had oak wood floors with a small mix of spruce it looked beautiful. I took a look around some more. There was a pitch-black 62 inch TV hanging on the wall in front of the bed. The bed was all white with orange fox patterns, along with 4 fox pillows. Right next to the bed there was a wooden nightstand with a lamp and a remote on it. The nightstand had a drawer so I decided to go over and open it. When it opened there was a book, my favorite book, If I Fix You. I had read it with Menma before. I loved it so much because it reminded me of home. I turned to find the bathroom but I saw a wonderful bay window with white curtains. Attached to the wall was a bench with cushions covering it.

I had gone to go see what the bathroom looked much different than I expected. The tiles on the floor were white with a gray marble effect.  There was a curved mirror on the sink top and it had a light above it. The shower had a glass pull door on it with lavender soap, shampoo, and conditioner. Lavender is my favorite sent, wow, Menma really designed this place with the thought of our family. The towels had the initials U.N. They are the initials of our parent's family, Uzumaki, and Nazumaki. Our father gave us the name of Uzumaki our mother the other. I smiled to myself then went to unpack.

I put all of my clothes into the wooden closet. I took out some pajamas and got into the shower. The hot steamy water comforted me. It made my ears and tail feel a little odd though. When I got out the bathroom was covered in steam. I was finally comfortable and in my bed. I fell asleep to the sound of the rain outside. All of a sudden I wake up to gunshots.

I hope you all liked this chapter of the book the next chapter will be out soon. Until then let me know if you have any requests in the comment section remember I read the comments! Thank you all for staying with me through the journey of writing this book oof-

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