Chapter 3

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February 3rd

Steve had everything planned like a strategic op,even on the smallest detail,he had called Mary and filled her in,she was thrilled and she knew exactly how to handle things if Danny called and asked for Steve.He arrived around four in the morning the next day at New Jersey.He went to a hotel until the morning and then he took a cab to Danny's parnets' house.He didn't informed them he was coming but Grace had called for him the day before to find out if they would be there,discrit of course and he thought that God,this kid was dangerous,she made herself absolutely believed,he wouldn't want to be on her bad side.He pulled up infront of their door and he knocked lightly.Clara opened and she was shocked to see him,she let him in since he was freezing with the light jacket and the shirt underneath it

Clara-Steven,hi,what are you doing here?I didn't knew you and Danny were coming,where is he?

Steve-He didn't came,he doesn't know that I am here,may I come in?

Clara grabbed his arm and dragged him in since she saw he was freezing and pulled him into a hug

Clara-I am so glad to see you,what happened is Danny okay?

She shouted to Eddie who was at the kitche


Eddie came to the hall,Steve was still freezing

Eddie-Hi Steve,how come yopu are here?Where is Danny?

Steve-H...Hi mr and mrs Williams,D...Danno is fine,he at home

Clara saw that he was still shaking,she grabbed him and dragged him to the living room and sat him next to the fireplace,Eddie sat across him

Clara-I am making you a hot chocolate

Steve-It's...ts okay mrs Williams, need you get into trouble for me

Clara-I don't hear a word Steven,and please,I told you a million times,call me Clara


He wasn't shaking anymore,he was calmer and warmer,Clara made him the hot chocolate and brought it to him,he drunk it and they chatted for a couple of minutes until Steve went to his reason for coming

Steve-The real reason I came,ehm...oh God is hard

Eddie-What happened Steve?

Steve-Ehm,I don't know how to say it,I cam because I uhm...want to ask for your permission to marry Danno

Clara and Eddie looked at him shocked.Steve looked at them and he left the cup on the coffee table and stand up to leave

Steve-I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable with this,I will leave

Clara stood up,grabbed Steve's arm and sat him down again

Clara-God you are as dumb as Danny describes you Steve,we are thrilled and happy about you two getting married,why would you think we would feel uncomfortable if you made Danny happier,if he can get any happier

Eddie-We are grateful that you made our boy feel happy again,of course you have permission to,you didn't need to even ask son

Steve looked at them a bit shocked,he gave his hand to Eddie and then to Clara but she pulled him into a hug

Steve-Thank you

Clara-No we thank you

They smiled and they sat back down

Steve-I will bring him here at 13th to propose at 14th,just please don't tell him anyhing

Eddie-We won't,don't worry,where are you staying for tonight Steve?

Steve-i will take a flight home

Clara-No you won't,you came this morning as I can imagine and you need rest,you sleeping here

Steve-No need to...

Eddie-We insist,where's your suitcase?

Steve-I just have this backpack,I took it with a few underware so I can take a bath this morning before I came here,nothing else

Clara-You stay here today and I'll change your flight to tomorrow morning,you rest

Steve-Uhm thank you,I don't know what to say

Eddie-You don't say anything and we will pay the tickets for your trip here in ten days

Steve-No,I can't leave you pay three very expensive tickets for me

Clara-Three first class,Eddie close them now,February 13th

Eddie-On it

Steve-We are fine with Business,you don't have to

Eddie had already left to go upstairs and get his laptop

Clara-Steven we want to help you and you will be better in first class,the three of you plus there is no problem,we have the money,now have you found the ring?

Steve-Kono and Chin have arranged a meeting with one of their cousins for me to get one

Clara-Okay,anything you need,just call


He stayed there,they ate and that night he fell asleep hapilly because he knew that the only thing he had to do now was to find a ring and make Dnny say yes.This was the thing he was scared the most,there was many times people left him and he wasn't sure but he knew that he wanted to make that move,he loved Danny to much and he just hopped.It didn't took him long to fall to sleep.Everything in Jersey was making him feel like home and he was feelng good and happy.The next day he took the flight back to Oahu

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