Chapter 4

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February 4th

His flight was at 10 in the morning.Eddie took him to the airport,he hugged him as the said goodbye and he told him that he would come to pick them up when they arrived in 9 days.Steve smiled,thanked him for everything and he left.When he arrived at LAX,he met up with Mary to tell her the good news and have lunch,he called Danny as soon as he returned to the airport to tell him that he was coming back and ask how Grace was

Steve-Hey Danno everything settled here,entering the plane now,is Gracie okay?

Danny immediately texted him back

Danny-Hey babe,missed you glad you're coming back,she is fine,her head is hurting a bit but no more fever,see you

Steve-See you babe

He was so happy that his plan was going as planned.He entered the plane and it left.He arrived at Honolulu at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.He took his truck,which he hd left at the airport three days ago and went home.He opened the door and came in,Danny was watching TV and Grace was snuggling on him.As soon as he came in,Grace jumped from Danny's hug and hugged him.

Grace-Uncle Steveeeeee,you are backkkkkk

Steve-Gracieeee,how you feelin sweetie?


Steve-I'm glad

Danny stood up and hugged him too,they kissed and when the parted Grace dragged them to the couch to continue the movie she was watching with Danny

Danny-Everything ok babe?

Steve-Yeah,A problem with a guy,nothing I couldn't handle

Danny-Yeah,I hope he is still alive,babe?


Danny-All limbs on place?

Steve-Except a couple of teeth


Steve-What?He was stalking and tried to assault Mary,he's lucky I didn't shoot him

Danny-...true but be nicer next time

Steve looks at him and after a couple of seconds decides to answer


They smile and they keep watching the movie.This evening Steve went for a run while Danny stayed with Gracie.He met up with the cousins a block away,at a jewelry store Chin's and Kono's cousin owned.They went in

Chin-Hi Liam

Liam-Hi Chin,Kono and you must be Commander McGarrett


Steve-Hi,nice to meet you,thanks for the help

Liam-Anything for those who keep our island safe,shall we look at the rings?


Liam-You have anything in mind?

Steve-Something simple,maybe silver

Liam-Okay,come over here

He started looking at them,Kono helped him and Chin was looking amused.He found the perfect ring

Liam-Do you want me to engrave anything?

Steve-Yes,I picked you,didn't I?


He engraved it and Steve got the ring,he thanked Liam and they got out.When they did he thanked the cousins and he returned home.He got in and Danny looked at him with a strange face

Danny-where you've been babe?You were out almost two hours

Steve-Well I had to arrest an idiot


Steve-He tried to carjack some tourists so I arrested him

Danny-Smart putz,tell me he is okay

Steve-Yeah,fine,I called Duke to pick him up and I had to wait

Danny-Okay,come here

He wente and sat next to Danny,hugging and watching TV

Steve-Lazy day for you ha?

Danny-Yeah,Grace was asleep so I did some jobs this morning,finished some paperwork and pretty lazy day,I agree

Steve smiled,they kissed and then he curled in Danny's hug since he was exausted from the flights and everything

Steve-Shall we go to bed?I am pretty exausted from the flight and the arrest and...

Danny kissed him and he got up

Danny-Say no more,go get ready,I am checking on Grace and I am coming too


He got up and went to the bedroom while Danny checked on Grace,she enjoyed the having-Danno-all-for-herself-no-school-days so she just slept.When Danny was sure she was okay,he went to sleep with Steve.They curled up on bed ad he immediately fell asleep while Steve was thinking the trip and the last step of the op

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