Chapter 7

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February 14th

The big day

They woke up,ate breakfast,wished happy Valentine's day to each other and had a pretty relaxing morning with Danny's family.Around 12 Steve and Danny went to get dressed to go to the restarant.They wore suits,some not too fancy ones,simple, black with ties.When they got out of the door,Grace gave a happy and reassuring look at Steve and she said

Grace-Everything will be ready when you come back

Steve kissed her forehead and he followed Danny to his dad's sport car.

Before they enter the car,Danny looked at Steve and asked

Danny-What did she told you babe and you are so happy?

Steve-That she loves me and to have fun

Danny smiled and they entered the car.

Steve-I love this girl Danno

Danny-I get you abe,she is adorable

They smile and Danny starts driving.Steve let Danny drive for two reasons,he didn't know shit about Jersey roads and they would get lost and because he wanted him to be happy.They arrived at the restaurant and a waiter showed them their tables.Danny ordered some spaghetti and Steve did the same since they loved them and when it came to spaghetti and pasta,Steve trusted Danny more than everyone else.Not that he didn't trusted in other things.He trusted Danny more than anyone else in the world.

Danny-This is pretty nice babe,I didn't knew you could be that romantic

Steve-Why do you say that babe?

Danny-Well I thought your definition of romantic was some building exploading from the back while you were shooting some perps

Steve-This idea is beautiful but I think that you'd like the restaurant better,plus where would I find buildings to expload and shoot perps here in Jersey

Danny smiles and looks at Steve with eyes full of love while he was eating his food.He knew that Steve was the most adorable dork and that he loved him as much as Grace.When they finish,they leave and they head home while Grace,Stella and Bridget were prepping the backyard.The cleaned it from leaves and they setted some candles and they spread the snow to the whole yard because Grace knew that Danny loved snow and what more cute than Steve kneeling on snow,she knew Danny would love it.They arrive outside the house and Grace runs to greet them.They get in,they leave their jackets and Grace grabs Danny's arm and tries to drag him out

Danny-Hey monkey,what happened,why do you drag me back

Grace-I want you to play with me and uncle Steve at the snow,he promised me you would

Danny looks at Steve

Danny-He promised you ha?

Steve-Can you say no to her?

Danny smiled and looked at them

Danny-No you can't,let me change Grace and we'll go

Grace-No let's go now,I want beat you in snowball war

Danny-Monkey,my suit will get dirty

Steve-Are you afraid you can't beat me in a suit Danno?

Steve had a smirk in his face and Danny looked at him and returned the smirk

Danny-I am a native Jersey babe and you are a Hawaiian born and raised cookie,I can kick your ass in snowball war with my eyes closed

Steve-Then prove it

He and Grace run outside and Danny smiled and followed them,He went outside and he saw the candles and the beautiful laid snow,he was standing in the middle of the backyard when Steve fell to his knee,got a small box out of his pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful simple silver ring,his whole family watching and Grace smiling next to him.Steve thought it's now or never and he started talking

Steve-Danno from the first time we met and pointed guns to each other at my dad's garage and when you punched me,which I found freakin awesome,a bit after we met,I knew you would change my life in a positive way.I knew I loved you more than anything when you helped me get out of prison and clear my name and I remember like yesterday when you helped me return home after I brought Wo Fat from Japan,when you told me that you loved me and you couldn't deal with me leaving with out a notice other than a letter and for that big time.When I kissed you and I told you I loved you back.I know I can't live my life without you or Grace in it and I know I am not too good with words or the best partner you ever had,I know I am a reckless idiot but I would die for you and Grace and I promise I'll try my best to make you and Grace happy.So Danno,will you marry me?

Danny was at a loss of words.Steve, the man he had loved for God knows how much time was kneeling in front of him ring in hand,asking him to spend the rest of their lives together.He read what Steve had engraved at the inside I picked you,didn't I? and he remembered when Steve told him that after the had saved General Pak and his family,after he had killed a SEAL buddy,one of his friends.His hand covered his mouth without him realising it, as tears of happiness started streaming down his face.Grace was looking at them with a huge smile on her face as long as the rest of the family.Eric was getting it on camera for Kono and Chin and everyone back at the island and because he lknew he would get his ass kicked by Steve if he didn't.Steve saw that Danny didn't responding and he made a move to get up when Danny forced him to stay in his place


Danny yelled as he threw his arms around Steve's shoulders and hugged him tight.Everybody were clapping their hands and Grace run to them and hugged them and threw them to the snow.They got up and Steve placed the ring carefully to Danny's finger and everybody came to them and hugged them and congratulated them.When they finished,Steve looked at them,freezing cold and wet from the snow

Steve-Sorry to interupt but may we go inside?Not everybody have grown up in this type of weather and I am freezing

They laughed and went inside.Steve,Danny and Grace changed their wet clothes and they went with everyone else to enjoy the dinner Clara made to celebrate.Later that night when they finally went to bed,Danny looked at Steve while he had his eyes closed trying to sleep

Steve-Why are you staring at me Danno?

Danny-Oh nothing,just I cannot imagine that you brought me here to propose and we didn't stayed in Hawaii

Steve-I wanted you to say yes Danno and I thought that here would I would have better chances

Danny hugged him,he knew that Steve had those abandoment issues but he didn't knew that he would think that Danny would say no

Danny-You are so stupid babe,you know that,how could you imagine I would say no?

Steve-I don't know,everyone leaves me sometime and I thought...

Danny kiissed him to shut up and then he talked

Danny-I will never leave you,you stuck with me babe

Steve smiles and they sleep.

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