Sophie Gray

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a/n sup, yall need a name, so I've been thinking pandas because I like pandas. So, hi pandas how are you guys, we hit 600 reads and that's more than halfway to one thousand, enjoy peeps. Oh, and would you rather have shorter chapters but more often posts or longer posts but less often posts. And I'm sorry I didn't get to post that last few days.

- :)

Sophie Gray POV

Hi guys, my name is Sophie Grey. I am the most popular student at strawberry canon school. I am mean to most students because I can. There she is, my favorite girl, Katie Gardener, she's so bratty. I walked over to her and pushed her into her locker. She got up and turned around, saw me and turned back to her locker, and grabbed her books.

She is so boring and stupid. Before she closed her locker, I saw a photo of a boy. He was pretty cute but I was never going to admit that, especially if it was in her locker.

"Friendless Katie, what's up," I ask with a smirk

She turns around squints at me, rolls her eyes then walks away. Ugh. She's so annoying. I walk to get to my first-period class.

-time skip to lunch and a reminder to go check out my other book, not a story but just go check it out :)-

I got held back from class for a talk and finally got out, I headed to the lunch tables outside. I was in the hallway and about to turn left to go out from the door, but I heard a voice. I stop in my tracks and listen.

"Travis, I swear to all the gods, I'm not there to keep you out of trouble, listen to Annabeth"

I strain my ears to hear the answer from the phone. All I heard was something about this Annabeth being mean.

"I really don't care, please Trav do this for me, I don't have time to be getting calls from Annabeth, Clarisse, and Chiron telling me to keep you on a leash" the voice raised slightly.

All I heard back was silence. Then the voice spoke again.

"I feel bad asking Miranda to keep an eye on you, she already has to be a temporary head of Demeter cabin and she already has to keep tabs on Connor, Travis I don't want to get another call from anyone saying that you did something bad" the voice sounded close to tears because it was cracking at some parts.

I had so many questions who were all these people, we had a Thomas and Annie at our school, no Travis or Annabeth. My thinking got cut off when I heard the voice speak again.

"you're coming to pick me up from school today right," the voice was female. She paused. "alrighty, I love you"

Who was this Travis, a sibling? I turned the corner from where I was listening to find Katie Gardener. We did a project once where we had to write about our life, like what our parents do, if we have siblings, and if we have pets. She said she had one sister; I think her name was Miranda. Who was Travis, a cousin?

"who is Travis," I asked with a smirk. She scoffed and headed out the double doors that led out to the lunch tables. I watched her leave. Wait. Was Travis a boyfriend. No. No. No. She's not pretty enough. All I knew was that he was coming to pick her up from school, and she loved him.

So, being me, I told everyone, that Katie had someone coming to pick her up. It got a lot of buzz and by the time lunch was over, everyone knew. I mean everyone, even the teachers. Katie was more of a quiet person with few friends, so the fact she knew someone out of school was huge.

----------------------------time skip------------------------------------------:)-------------------------------------------

At the end of the day, everyone was sitting around the front of the school, waiting for Katie to leave with this Travis. Katie walked out from the double doors, laughing with a friend. She gazed around to the front street in front of the school. It was 3:17, school dismissed at 3:10. Whoever this Travis was, wasn't very punctual. People kept leaving but there was still a pretty big crowd.

All of a sudden, a sports car pulled up, a boy got out of the car and stood up, his eyes looking for someone. He looked like a model, he had brown hair that I wanted to run my hands through. I got up from where I was sitting and started to walk over to him.

"Trav" Someone yelled. I turned. KATIE. That ughhh.

Travis glanced to where Katie yelled his name. Katie ran towards him and gave him a hug. "where did you get this car, I know you don't have the money"


"it's true"

"yeah, it is"

"so where did you get it"

"Perce let me borrow it, it's blue"

Enough of this talking, he needs to know who I am.

"I take it your Travis, I'm Sophie" He turned towards me. His hand around her elbow. I told myself to relax and that they were only cousins.

"Yeah, I'm Travis"

"you single," I asked and smirked

"no, Katie here is my girlfriend"

"that thing, her" I squinched up my face like I was looking at poop.

"don't call my girlfriend a thing" he yelled at me. Everyone started to gather around. He was about to punch me when he got tackled, by Katie.

"no, Trav, get in the car," she told him as she got up off him and helped him up. He rolled his eyes but reluctantly got in the car.

"I don't understand your problem with me," she told me

"it's just your you and I don't like you," I said back. She scoffed then opened the passenger's door and got in. She came back the next day to clean her locker out. Then never came back.

a/n let's keep this short, sorry for not posting very much, I thank you for your support anddddd pls check out my new book. Thank you guys so much and by March 10th can we get this book to 1k. Maybe. Please. Alrighty, bye pandas.

- :)

word count: 1031

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