Maybe you're right

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Maybe Izuku and Neito shouldn't have agreed to train with Hitoshi.
Maybe they should have insisted he stays in dorms and rest.

But they didn't.


Gah it's bad. But the writer block has been killing me softly lately and I figured it was as good as it was gonna get, so might as well post.

It can be read as a sequel to Let's Try (the previous chapter).

Prompt: Drained



"Duck!" Izuku's shrill voice sounded off in his head right before he hit the low-hanging metal tube with his forehead so hard his vision blanked for a moment.

He fell, the capture weapon barely slowing down his fall, until his back collided with the concrete, a horrible cracking sound following closely.

It took another few seconds for him to register that he fell on his arm, and probably broke it from the sound and feel of it. It was both numb and hurting horribly. Uh...

"Duck? Where?" he slurred out, feeling like he blurted out a secondary train of thoughts that hasn't been in his head for more than a millisecond.

"Hitoshi, are you alright? I'm quite a distance from you, but Neito is right around the corner, he'll get to you in a minute." Izuku's telepathic voice sounded way too panicked for the occasion. What was the big deal? He fell from heights a thousand times while working with capture weapon mid-air, a stupid tube wouldn't kill him. "Hitoshi I'm not sure if you're aware I can hear your every thought and feel the damage in your body. You need to be immediately stabilized, checked for spine injuries, and healed. I'm getting Recovery Girl." Goddammit. "Language."

Hitoshi supposed that was a given when having Izuku, of all people, as a boyfriend. Once he learnt his lesson about destroying himself he also made sure that everyone else adhered to it too. Which was sometimes annoying and unneeded, like right now.

"Heard that, I'm not overreacting. I think you have a concussion."

Hitoshi groaned, moving his head a little and immediately hissed in pain. Something was wrong with his neck. Goddammit.
He had enough trouble sleeping as it were...

"Hitoshi!" Neito's voice came from somewhere behind him and he tried to rise up but stopped with another flareup of pain. Fuck. "Oh no no no no no, don't even try to stand up! I swear I heard the crack when you fell from two streets away, what were you thinking!"

"Not much to be fair," he admitted, owlishly blinking and waiting till the blonde got close enough for him to see him. Finally his ridiculous costume was in insomniac's sight, his other boyfriend immediately hovering. Sigh.

"Hitoshi you— You can't keep doing that," Neito went ahead and started slowly checking his neck maneuverability, thankfully no serious damage it seemed. "I told you you should have just slept in instead of training, you've been looking so drained lately, you—"

"But I have to catch up," he protested weekly, and Neito froze. "I can't keep lagging behind, it's already a second trimester and I still have so much to learn and—"

"Shinsou Fucking Hitoshi," the blonde cut him off with possibly the most annoying tone he has heard yet, "If I hear you self-depreciating one more time—"

"But I'm saying the truth!" Hitoshi found himself shouting, eyes filling with tears for some reason. He didn't know why he suddenly got so emotional, it was just... "I have to work harder than anyone to—" He got cut off again, this time by Izuku landing right besides him.

"You sound like me," was the first thing he said, slowly reaching to card his scarred fingers through Hitoshi's hair. "When I was in my first year. And you know how well that worked out." The three of them winced at the same time. Izuku didn't shy away from explaining his chronic pain and scars, they knew.

"At least I don't have a self-destructive quirk—"

"You yourself are self-destructive." First, rude, second, rude that he got cut off again. He just sighed loudly, closing his eyes.

"My arm is still broken and still under me..." he finally said after a moment.

"Ah fuck I knew I forgot something." Izuku's newest quirk transmitted his loudest thought to everyone in the hearing distance sometimes. Like just now.

Hitoshi couldn't help but let out an ugly snort.

Jeez, his boyfriends were dumbasses. ... But they might have been on to something.


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