chapter 2

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Hajime's pov

I laid in bed. A tear silently rolled down my cheek. Not only did I share a room with izuru but I also pissed someone off. All in my first day.

Flash back to this morning

"And that's the music room." Makoto said
"Wow. This place is huge." I said.
Suddenly, a boy with navy black hair bumped into me. He wore a black hat that covered most of his upper face.
"S-sorry!" He gasped
"It's okay." I help him up
"Hands off." A boy in a white uniform and a checkered scarf runs up. He has purple hair that actually defies gravity.
"S-sorry." I back away
"Stop kokichi. Hajime helped him up." Kyoko said
"Oh." The boy, kokichi, said.
"Anyway, this is shuichi, my brother." Kyoko said turning to me "and his boyfriend kokichi. Ultimate detective and ultimate supreme leader."
"Hi." I said
"Hello" shuichi smiled
"Shuichi!" A female voice yelled
Shuichi paused and took off running, kokichi on his heels, laughing.
Then a girl with strawberry blonde hair and purple eye's sled past.
"Kaede, ultimate pianists." Kyoko said
"Hey what's your ultimate talent?" Nagito asked, I learned that his talent was luck.
"U-um, oh look what's that?" I asked pointing at a door. A large door.
"My father's office." Kyoko said.
I glanced at nagito, who looked a bit annoyed at me.
"Hey watch out." Chiaki's warning came too late.
I bumped into a muscular man. He had orange hair in an odd style, over his face.
"Watch it !" He yelled
I shrank away "s-sorry." I stammered
"I don't give a shit about your "sorry'" he growled "next time except to loose some teeth." He stalked away.
" Don't worry." Makoto said to me "he punched me on our first meet."
I forced myself to nod. Perhaps I should've stayed home.
"His name's mondo. Ultimate biker gang leader or something like that." Nagito said
"Anyways here are the forms." Chiaki said
"What your number?" Kyoko asked
"A 74." I said, looking at the slip of paper I got.
"Oohhh, same as izuru." Junko sang walking past.
I froze. Izuru?! This is bad. For me. I thought mondo was enough but izuru? I took a breath and forced a smile.
"I guess I should go." I said
I walked to the door and opened it. Closing it gently. izuru sat up.
"Oh it's you." He said, looking bored.
"Your room is over there. Make a peep and your dead." He laid back down.
I walked over to my room and unpacked.
I could do friends with shuichi and kokichi. But they were a bit much for me. Nagito kept wanting to know what my ultimate talent is so I can't be friends with him. Everyone else is too outgoing. I sighed. I'm going to be alone again this year. Nothing I'm not used too.

End of flash back

I knew I couldn't cry here. Izuru would kill me. I wiped my tears. I know what I could do. No one knew but I loved cooking. I walked into the kitchen. Izuru was on the couch. Though he was an amazing cook, he thought it was boring. I thought of it as a way to escape. I know it's not my ultimate talent, I have none. Teruteru was the ultimate chef. I met him before I had come into the room this morning. I can't believe I got here yesterday. Classes start tomorrow. Grabbing as some ingridents I began too cook. I liked baking more then cooking. Izuru came in.
"What's this?" He said it without any emotion but it was venom filled.
"U-um dinner." I said
I was almost finished. I made some for izuru, but if he didn't eat it, I'd save it for lunch tomorrow.he grabbed the plate and left. I smiled a bit and grabbed my plate.

Izuru's pov

I shoveled some food into my mouth. He was a ok cook. I hadn't eaten since Friday, so that's the only reason I was eating this.
I walked into his room. I found his schedule on his desk.
He had first period with me but that was it. I let out a sigh of relief. I only have deal with him for one period. I scanned his schedule. Hmm, not bad.i paused. He was in the baking club? Well he did like it. I walked out and put my plate into the sink.
I decided to do my homework.

Nagito's pov
( Sorry short note. Hajime, nagito and izuru are the main povs. Anyone else is just there for a little bit)

I looked around. My roommate was chihiro. He is pretty chill. I remembered yesterday. He dodged my question about his ultimate talent. Does he not like it? And what was his deal with izuru? So many questions. But not gonna lie, he was pretty cute. I smiled. I guess I can play with him for a bit.
I got up and left the room. I bumped into makoto.
"Hey nagito." He said without looking up
"Hey." I kept walking.
When I turned the corner, I saw izuru leaving his dorm. I tilted my head. Walking to the dorm, I knocked. Hajime answered.
"Oh hi nagito." He looked a bit uncomfortable
"Hey, wanna hang out before curfew?" I asked
"S-sure." He closed the door behind him
I left the way to the garden.
"What do you wanna do?" I asked
He looked around
"U-um," before he could answer kokichi popped out of nowhere.
"Heyyyy~" he said
"Hey kokichi." I nod at him.
" Hey mind not telling kyoko where i an?" He said casting a look to his left
"Why?" I asked
"I might have done a little something and shuichi is a little less innocent. Now she's pissed at me." He said
"Oh God, what did you do?" I asked sighing
"Umm, it's better you don't ask." He smiled
"Noted." I nod
Then I heard a scream
"Kokichi get your ass over here!" Kyoko screamed
"Ah! She found me! Gotta run!" He jumped into the tree and out of sight
"Well that's something." Hajime said in a small voice.
I laugh
"That's not even the worse of it." I said
"Oh God what did I get myself into?" He mumbled
I laugh some more
"You'll see."

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