ch 7 ~ khakis

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Hi everyone! I hope you are all safe and well 💜.

Credit to people who took the video and picture. This chapter is not affiliated with or supported by State Farm, and this video is solely a source of inspiration. Feel free to watch the video above to get context for this story! Swipe for an adorable picture of Jaehyun. Hope you enjoy!


"Chaeyoung, can you help me get ready for my interview?" Jaehyun called out to his girlfriend who was sitting in the other room.

"Yeah sure, what is it for?" Chaeyoung answered as she walked into the bedroom. She began looking through the mound of clothing that was messily piled on the bed and was met with a loud sigh.

"Jaehyun-ah, if it's for something formal, you should wear a suit. First impressions are very important and they-'' she paused as she saw his eyes light up. Jaehyun rushed into the closet, making loud rustling sounds.

"I know exactly what I will wear." He walked out of his closet holding a beige-colored pair of pants.

"OMG what is that?" Chaeyoung asked, shock and horror evident on her face.

"My favorite khakis!" Jaehyun danced around the room trying to find a presentable professional shirt to go with it. He filtered through the shirts, throwing the unworthy articles of clothing to the side.

Chaeyoung walked after him, concerned, picking up the shirts and attempting to organize the aftermath of the human tornado.

"Are you actually going to wear that to a professional interview? I really think you reconsider your choice of outfit. A suit is a dependable option for demonstrating how sophisticated you are." She took his arm and attempted to lead him back to the side of the room with the blazers, but he did not move. She pouted and tried to take away the khakis from him, but he held them above his head, just out of her reach. As she kept trying to jump and reach for the questionable article of clothing, he kept moving it just out of her reach. He laughed as she verbally protested, evidently struggling.

"Jaehyun, trust me, you shouldn't-" She grabbed his wrist, and he was suddenly yanked close to her, their faces only inches apart. Chaeyoung's face flushed, and Jaehyun smirked.

"Shouldn't what?" He countered, his face inching closer. Just before the space between their faces closed, Chaeyoung took the opportunity to grab the sand colored pair of pants. She ran away with the khakis, hiding them at the bottom of a kitchen drawer he would not look in.

She slowly walked back to the bedroom, peeking in slowly. Inside, she saw Jaehyun still looking through his piles of clothes. She noticed his hands holding a suspicious object: another pair of khakis. Chaeyoung facepalmed audibly, and Jaehyun shifted his attention to the source of the noise. He pouted as she walked into the room.

"Why did you leave me hanging?" He sulked, trying his best to act cute. Chaeyoung coughed, cringing.

"I can't take you seriously while you're holding... that." She shuddered in disgust. Jaehyun ignored her comment, picked up his phone to check the time, and gasped immediately, throwing his phone on the bed. An alarmed Chaeyoung retrieved the discarded phone swiftly, checking for any possible damage.

"Oh no! It's almost time, I have to get ready quickly." Jaehyun stated as he pushed her out of the room, ignoring her protests. Jaehyun locked the door before Chaeyoung could come back in, and she knocked loudly.

"If you're going to wear those khakis, at least wear a presentable shirt." She yelled through the door, but was met with silence. She paced back and forth, nervously, waiting for him to come out. In a few minutes, Jaehyun emerged from the room, wearing his khakis and... a bright red t-shirt. Chaeyoung immediately rushed to him, trying to explain in the nicest way possible that interviewers may not prefer a candidate wearing a bright red shirt and khakis.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." Jaehyun reassured his panicking girlfriend.

"At least take some water, just in case you get thirsty." Chaeyoung rushed to the kitchen, filling up a white Hydro Flask. He smiled at her care, putting the water bottle at the side of his messenger bag.

"Good luck," she hugged him, and he kissed the top of her head, thanking her. She waved as he left the house. Once the door closed, she started putting a new plan into action. First, she cleaned up all of the piles of clothes in their bedroom. In the process, she discovered three more pairs of khakis. She sighed, blaming herself for letting him leave the house for a job interview wearing that severely unpleasant garment. Chaeyoung went to the grocery store and bought all of his favorite snacks to comfort him if his interview went badly. She loaded her reusable tote bag with fried sweet potatoes, peaches, and green tea ice cream, hoping these would adequately console him. She gathered pillows and blankets onto the couch and began browsing Netflix for something good to watch. Eventually, she got tired of scrolling through Netflix, so she turned off the TV, and snuggled into the sofa for a nap. After an hour, she heard the door open, and she drowsily sat up.

"How did it go?" She asked, yawning. He walked to the couch, smiling widely.

"I got the job!" He giggled happily. Chaeyoung's eyes immediately widened, and she gasped.

"Oh my gosh, really? I'm so proud!" She tackled him in a hug, "Oh! I almost forgot; I got some food to celebrate." Jaehyun's eyes lit up as he followed Chaeyoung into the kitchen for a celebration.

"By the way, you didn't answer my question earlier, where did you interview?" She inquired while cutting the peaches into slices.

He stole a piece from the cutting board and ate it before answering, "You're now talking to Jay from State Farm."


Thank you for reading! I appreciate all of you, and you are loved.

These troubling times may be hard on your mental health, and I want you all to know, you are not alone. If you or anyone you know need any mental health assistance, here is a link to resources: Feel free to comment more resources and organizations. Everything will get better soon 💜.

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