ch 6 ~ plant some trees

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Hello everyone!! Happy Earth Day! 🌏🌎🌍🌳🌲🌱

In honor of earth day, I wanted to write an environmental-themed chapter. Everyone can help the environment in many different ways. One way is to use Ecosia as your search engine. When you use Ecosia, your searches will go toward planting trees in areas that need them the most. It is completely free and completely worth it.

I hope you enjoy this story! Credit to the people who took the video and the pictures.


Chaeyoung walked into the science classroom with a smile, noticing Lisa who was laughing at something on her phone. Chaeyoung walked to her friend and sat down next to her.

"Hey, Lisa!! Guess what? My sister gifted me a metal straw," she excitedly showed Lisa her new purchase. Lisa looked up from her phone in awe at her new item.

"Oh my gosh, that's amazing!" Lisa smiled enthusiastically, "The planet loves you." Chaeyoung let Lisa admire the foldable metal straw with its pastel blue case.

"I love it so much," she gushed. Chaeyoung's contagious smile caused Lisa's smile to grow as well.

"Where did she get it? I want one," Lisa asked. Chaeyoung shrugged in response.

The teacher entered the classroom, causing the room to go silent.

"Hello, class. Today, we're going to start a new project. You must design an experiment," the teacher explained to the class, "But, I will randomly assign you a partner. The topic must be approved by me before you begin." The teacher put the partner assignments on the board, and Chaeyoung looked for her name. She saw that her partner was Jaehyun, someone she didn't know that well.

"Help, I don't want to be with my partner, he's so annoying," Lisa frantically whispered to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung pouted in sympathy at the damsel in distress and gave her words of encouragement. Lisa walked to her partner, sighing. Chaeyoung laughed at the overdramatic girl and looked around the room. Her eyes landed on a boy across the room from her. She smiled warmly at him and was met with a dimpled smile. She walked to him and sat down in the empty seat next to him.

"Alright, please come to me with your presentation topics when you are ready," the teacher reminded the students.

Chaeyoung turned to Jaehyun, "Is it alright if we do a topic related to the environment?" He nodded in agreement, and she clapped excitedly.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked her. She stared at her paper for a moment, brainstorming possible ideas. Jaehyun observed how she fidgeted with her pencil when she was deep in thought. How her long, dark hair kept falling in front of her face. How she didn't realize how effortlessly beautiful her actions were. Suddenly, she sat up straight, interrupting his thoughts.

"We should create an experiment about the effects of different types of soil on the same type of plant. We can get soil samples from different places and put them in pots to test the soil type. Do you have any plants you like?" she asked him.

"A rose," he suggested, and she smiled.

"That's so funny, my English name is Rose," she giggled and his ears turned red.

"Roses take very long to germinate from seeds, so we might have to pick a plant that germinates quicker. How about a Marigold?" she suggested.

He pouted dramatically, and she rushed to comfort the low-spirited lad.

"Marigolds are also pretty, don't worry," she reassured the boy, who seemed to have an attachment to roses.

"But roses are the prettiest," Jaehyun stared into her eyes, causing her to quickly avert her eyes. Chaeyoung quickly stood up, eager to get out of the awkward situation. "I'm going to tell the teacher about our experiment. We'll just go with marigolds." Jaehyun laughed at her cuteness as she tripped while walking to the teacher. The teacher approved their project, and she came back happily with the news.

"Jaehyun, I think we're all set. Where do you think we should get the samples from?" she started to think of ideas.

"The ground," he offered with a smile. She playfully glared at him and he smiled.

"Your dimples are cute," she quietly murmured, but Jaehyun heard her, causing his smile to grow wider. Her eyes widened in realization, did I say that out loud? Jaehyun looked down at the notebook in front of him. Chaeyoung thought to herself, and then suggested various places to collect soil samples. They agreed to go plant shopping after school.


After school, Jaehyun waited at the front of the school for Chaeyoung. They walked to a nearby garden store. They began walking around the store, looking at all of the different flowers.

"Aren't they so pretty?" Chaeyoung admired all of the vibrant flowers surrounding her. There were rows of various pots, filled with blooming flowers that seemed as happy as she was. She turned to look at Jaehyun, only to see him looking back at her. She felt her cheeks heat up as he stepped closer to her.

"Yes, they are. But the flowers don't have my attention right now," Jaehyun looked into her eyes again. Chaeyoung quickly turned around and tried to walk away. In the process, she tripped on air but was able to catch herself before she completely fell. Jaehyun walked to her, concerned.

"Are you okay?" he inquired, and she nodded with a shy smile.

"Don't worry, this happens a lot. I'm always tripping on invisible objects. Thankfully I've never completely fallen in public," she laughed to lighten the atmosphere.

"Well make sure you're careful," he advised her.

"Yes, I know, there are a lot of objects on the ground that are completely visible. I still might trip on them," she laughed and looked at the flowers again.

"No that's not what I meant," he stated, capturing her attention. Chaeyoung looked at him, tilting her head in confusion.

"Be careful, because you might fall for me."


Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope everyone has a wonderful Earth Day wherever you are!

Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope everyone has a wonderful Earth Day wherever you are!

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Also here's NCT visiting a Zoo (✿◠‿◠)

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