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I'm at the council government building waiting for my parents to come out. I've been a nervous wreck since I found out my parents want my help. I hope I don't disappoint them. I did finish school thank you very much. I passed all my classes. I haven't told my parents yet, they've been so busy with everything. I'm happy to see them. I wonder what I'm going to be doing. I hope it's nothing boring.

The rumor mill has been rampant, there's been talk that the two defectors have connections to the Republic, other rumors are that the defectors are spies here to destroy the Republic, others are saying an invasion is coming, but those are just people talking, nothing like is going to happen.

I know I should be scared, but I'm not. I know my parents and the rest of our leaders are going to protect us.


I turn around to see my big brother Grey.

"Where were you?"

"Doing light workout."

"Where is mom and dad?"

"There coming." I nod.

"Have you been hearing the rumors?"

"About war coming."

"Yes. Are we going to be okay?"

"Yes. Don't worry nothing is going to happen."



"I know Grey. One more question."

"What is it?"

"Are the defectors going to hurt us?"

"Not if they want to stay here."

"Okay." I hug Grey.

I trust Grey, my parents and the government. I trust they have our best interest, and they will do anything to protect us. I haven't heard much about the defectors, everything's been quiet. I wonder what they are like? I wonder what their names are? I wonder if they told the interrogators any useful information.

There are somethings I always wanted to know about the Republic and the Capital Federation. I always been afraid to ask. The history of the Republic has always been a closely guarded secret locked away in the library. The library is one place nobody goes into. Here in the Republic there are two libraries, one is the university library the people are allowed to go, and the other one is the historical library  where all our history is located. We need special permission to go to the historical library, but not everybody wants to know our history. What are they hiding that has everybody in the government so afraid that we can't even learn our history.

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