Part 7

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They had been walking for hours, over the sandy hills in the cold night air. It was nearing sun rise, faint oranges began to peak over the horizon line. Harper was regaining her strength, slowly. Everyone else began to grow tired as they trudged through the sand. A building came into view, it seemed like a warehouse except some of the roofing had been torn off and sand covered the majority of it, allowing only some of it to be seen.

There had been helicopters searching for them, beacons of light came down and searched the floors, nothing came too close to them though otherwise there would be trouble.

"You guys see that, right? I'm not hullicinating, am I?" Minho asked as he saw the building.
"No, it's definitely there." Thomas laughed slightly.

They made their way over to the warehouse a slid down a pile of sand that had built up on the inside. The building was dark and nothing was visible. Harper lit up her hands and the room was filled with new light, the warehouse had multiple rooms to it, each of them looked as homely as it could get. Torn sofas were placed in the rooms along with broken tables and clothes that had been piled up in random places, books and paper littered the floor as dirt scaled over every inch of the building. It smelt old, it wasn't a foul smell but it was far from pleasant. Everyone began to explore the building, separating to see what treasures they may be able to find in what they could only assume to be an abandoned home. Harper and Newt went into one of the front rooms and looked around. Harper sat on the floor next to a bureau, a large mirror was placed on top, leaning against the wall and covered in a thick layer of dust and grime. Harper stood up and opened one of the drawers, inside was a pack of crayons and a small note pad, Harper took out the notepad and lay it down on the desk, she opened another drawer and saw a picture frame, she pulled it out and wiped away the dust, the picture was of a woman and a young child, the woman had her hair in thick curls and the girl was grinning brightly with her two front teeth missing, Harper smiled as she was reminded of her mother. She would give so much just to see her again, to be wrapped tightly in her arms as she sang her to slept like she had done countless times in the past.

Harper walked over to the pile of clothes and clawed through it, she found a small satchel, she walked back over to the desk and put the book and crayons inside, she also put the file inside and closed the latch. She walked over to the sofa and sat down, Newt came over and sat next to her, he pulled her hair behind her ear, he gently kissed the skin of her neck, he kissed up to her jaw and then her cheek, he turned face so that he could kiss her lips, she kissed him back, she rested her hands on his neck, he put his hands on her thighs, dragging them towards her body, making her stomach do flips, his hands made their way to her waist, he dragged them all the way up her body.

Newts' hands held onto her hips tighter, slightly lifting her up, she crawled onto his lap and he rested his hands on her backside. She slightly lifted the front of his shirt and he pulled away from the kiss and stared into her eyes.
"Newt... I want you.. all of you." She whispered softly.
"Love... I don't want to take advantage."
She put her forehead on his and closed her eyes, " please, I need you."
"OK, love."
He began to kiss her softly, so that if she wanted to, she could stop and pull away. But she didn't want to. She pulled his top over his head and ran her finger nails all over his skin. He pulled her top off and fiddled with the clasp to her bra.

Hours later, they were lay on the sofa facing each other, Newt stroked his hand along her neck and his fingers brushed against an indent that was left from the wound.
"It's healed." He said.
"You healed it. You distracted me from everything."
She pulled the blanket that was covering the both of them further up, covering more of her body.
"You know this thing is probably a million years old, right?" He said as he played with the hem of the blanket.
"You were right." She said.
"About what, love?"
"What you said back in the room, about the guy in my father's office. He tried to assault me. I couldn't help it."
"I'm so sorry, hun, I wish I was there sooner. I wish I was there for you. We didn't have to do anything, you know."
"I wanted to, i promise." She sighed slightly, "I don't want to talk to the others, only you."
"Why me?"
"Because.. I.."
"It's OK, love, you don't have to say anything."
"I will protect you before anything else, no matter what happens."
"It'll be ok, everything will be ok. Do you want to talk about something else?"
"Like what?"
"Tell me about your mother."
"My mother.. she was the most amazing person ever. We would always speak in Spanish to each other because no one knew what we were saying, we would read, sing and talk to each other in Spanish."
"You speak Spanish?"
"Yeah, she was Spanish and she taught me too."
"Tell me something."
"Like what?"
"Anything you want."
"I can tell you a story my mother used tell me if you'd like?"
"I just want to hear you talk, love, I could listen to you for a thousand lifetimes."
"OK, " she sighed, "'Había una vez un niño, vivía en una cabaña con su madre. una noche mientras él dormía, ella desapareció. la buscó por todas partes pero no encontró nada. una noche él escuchó su voz en su oído, ella habló en voz baja y le dijo que nunca tuviera miedo. el niño dejó de buscar a su madre hasta que un día ella lo encontró.' Then my mother would say, 'I am always with you. You may not be able to see me but I will be watching out for you always.'"
"Your mother sounds wonderful, love."
"She was."
"Your voice is incredible."
"I'm sorry I was quiet for so long."
"You needed time to yourself, I will always respect that, even if you still need time to yourself, I would never be angry at you, love."
"Thank you."
"What did the story mean? Could you translate it?"
"Sure. 'Once upon a time there was a boy, he lived in a cabin with his mother. one night while he was sleeping, she disappeared. He searched everywhere for her but found nothing. one night he heard her voice in his ear, she spoke softly and told him never to be afraid. the boy stopped looking for his mother until one day she found him.' She would tell it to me every night whilst I was falling asleep, she knew one day we would be separated and she wanted me to know not to look for her, that when the time was right, she'd find me instead."

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