chapter two

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tell me what's your motive

   we went back to the dorms after our encounter with riven. as we were walking back I couldn't help but wonder what his problem was. "so what's up with him? he seems kinda like a jerk." I said to terra. she looked at me and shook her head. "that's riven for you. he is really egocentric and honestly he's an asshole. id try to steer clear of him if I were you." she told me and I shook my head. "yeah for sure I hate people that are mean for no reason. I didn't mean to bump into him." I told her and she sighed. 

   "it isn't your fault trust me I've known him for a while. I'm kinda shocked he didn't take a liking to you though I mean you seem like his type." she said and I made a confused face. what's that supposed to mean? of course I'm too nice to ask her that. "no not like that you are honestly the nicest person I've met. your just really pretty and you have a good body. that seems to be his type. I'm sure lots of guys will like you." she said and I smiled at her kindness.

    "trust me maybe not here because people are jerks, but back in my hometown you one hundred percent would have boys all over you." I said to her and she laughed. "no they wouldn't I mean look at me." she said and I stopped walking. "terra you are so pretty and nice. you are very giving and people in the human world I guess you could call it would love you. I even saw a boy back there staring at you when you did that to riven you showed him." I told her and she blushed.

   we made it back to the room and musa had headphones on so I decided not to bother her. I put mine on and began to drift to sleep when I heard people arguing. I looked up and saw mud and terra walking. "I'm sorry terra I'm just overwhelmed by human emotions. I'm an empath I can feel all of the tension." musa then looked at me. "you too and you have headphones on I can tell your thinking about something that must've happened when you guys were out earlier. I'm sorry guys I just need to adjust." she said and I looked at her.

   "im so sorry musa I had no clue you felt like that. ill be very considerate when Im around you and try not to overload you I'm just nervous for tomorrow and I'm sure terra is too." I said and terra nodded adding on, "me too I had no idea musa really." she said and musa laughed. "you guys are going to be great roommates I can already tell now I'm gonna put my headphones back on." she said and I nodded. "goodnight guys." I said turning my lamp off. "night." they responded. 

   I walked alone in a forest by myself and as I was walking I realized something was after me. I started to run and my lungs burned then I realized I could fight whatever it was. I stopped running and turned around to face the creature. I took the sword out from by back and started to fight the creature. I voice in my head guided me through as I took down the monster, but suddenly my sword was taken from me and I had nothing, or so I thought. I closed my eyes and focused really hard and as I opened them the creature was stunned by light and vines began to be wrapped around it. I pointed my hand out and in one hand I had fire and the other I had electricity. I threw it on it before flooding the surrounding area so it couldn't escape. it began to cry out in pain and the ear screeching noise woke me up. 

    I was gasping for breathe as I was drenched in sweat and shaking. I felt drained from my energy and I decided to get up and take a shower. as I walked out I saw someone and jumped. "sorry you scared me I didn't think anyone else would be up this early." I said grabbing my chest and smiling. "I'm Aisha. I swim that's why I wake up so early." she said and I nodded. "right I'm luna and I have nightmares haha that's why I wake up so early." I said to her and she gave me a sympathetic look. "well if you need to talk ever I'm right here." she said and I nodded. "right thank you. is the water pressure in the shower good? I can't do without my hair will become a mess." I said to her. 

   "its amazing." she said laughing. "good my curly hair can't handle low water pressure it will frizz up and not get the product out of it." I said as I walked in the bathroom. as I walked in I saw terra. "morning." I said smiling at her as she dropped her clothes and pulled on her rob to cover her up. "oh hey right I forgot my bra so I'm gonna go change in the rooms." she said and I nodded going to the shower and turning it on. 

     I was now walking to my class and lets just say I was a mess. the uniforms were definitely more for men and I really mean that. it was too tight on my butt and chest and I felt very uncomfortable wearing it. it was also cropped with very I boots that acted more as leggings. it was definitely a last minute make for them as I was the only girl that I know of in the specialist program. I walked out to the field where silva the leader was talking to us. "I own you after you regular classes and you will do whatever I say. sky here is one of my best trained special agents. I can count on him for anything." silva said as he showed us a few moves. 

    riven and him were fighting and by my looks of it at least, riven almost looked better than him. that was until sky flipped him on the ground and riven just smirked then looked over and saw me. "fuck are you here for?" he asked and I suddenly got nervous. "I-uh training." I said to him and he looked me up and down. "right a women in a uniform. hot." he said smirking at me as I looked down at the grass. "whose perving on first years now?" I heard sky mutter and riven laughed. "yeah right mate." he said and I walked away. 

   silva had us practicing fighting when I felt someones presence behind me. I turned and saw none other than riven. I rolled my house getting sick of trying to be nice to him. I continued to hit the punching bag when suddenly I felt someones arms around me. "your supposed to position your arm her to protect from attacks while you are striking. if you leave your legs like this they could sweep you easier then you are defenseless." he said as I pushed him away from me. 

    "please don't act all nice now I have gave you countless chances." I said to him and he Rolled his eyes. "just trying to fucking help you but ill go fuck myself." he said and I looked at him feeling lots of emotion in the moment. 'id rather fuck you though' I heard in what I thought was reality. I quickly scoffed. "as if I would never fuck you even if you were the last man on earth." I responded to his dirty comment. "fuck are you talking about freak I said ill go fuck myself. god you first years are dumber than I thought." he said walking away. I swear I heard you. I must be delusional.  "Americans." he said and I looked at him confused. 

   I just ignored how weird that was and went back to training. "sorry about riven he's a bit of a douche, but he's nice deep down in there... somewhere." sky said walking next to me. "yeah its whatever I'm used to people being mean to me." I said looking down and sighing. back at home I was from Tennessee, but moved to Oregon. it was so pretty, but no one liked me and I always got made fun of for my accent. I also always had problems standing up for myself so I never went out much until my parents forced me to school here, yet somehow didn't know I was here. 

   we were called to spar each other and as I fought with one of the first years I was knocked down to my face and I had the breath knocked out of me. I looked up and saw riven laughing at me and I don't know what came over me, but I swept the dudes feet from under him and knocked him over. I then got up really fast and pointed the wooden stick towards him. everyone cheered for me and I smiled. I've never done anything like that. 


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