chapter four

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Let it happen

    "woah the sky is so pretty look at that star." I said pointing to a light and terra grabbed my hand. "luna that's an led light not stars." she said and I started laughing uncontrollably. I grabbed another drink and started to drink it when riven grabbed it from me. "nice one terra way to get Virgin Mary high and drunk. crossed is actually a good look on you, but no more drinks for you." he said and I tried to grab the cup but he held it above his head. 

      "leave her alone dickwad." musa said and I flung to her. "musaaaa I love you! where have you been?" I said hugging her and she looked at riven. "really? what'd you do drug the poor girl?" she said looking at him her eyes turning purple. "get the fuck out of my head mind fairy. and ill have you know terra did this. I just tried to fucking help her." he said walking away. "terra did this?" she asked confused and I nodded laughing. "well not on purpose, but what was riven thinking about ehh?" I asked nudging her and she rolled her eyes. 

     "nothing. he barley even has a brain to think with." she said, but she deep down knew what he was thinking. he was worried about luna being taken advantage of and it was very clear in his head. "I think he is just... misunderstood." I said to her and then I heard music. "ohhh I love this song lets dance!!" I said dragging her out to the floor where she stood there and I danced. I then turned and saw someone else dancing. I ran up and joined her and we danced together. 

   "im Beatrix." she said as she blew out smoke. "luna." I said throwing my hands up and jumping around. my head was spinning and suddenly I felt sick. "here come with me we can find a bathroom." she said and I nodded walking off. somehow I ended up in a room with riven and some other guy with Beatrix. they were all smoking and then I saw a thing of brownies. "oh that's the ones terra made they're really good." I said to them. 

   "of course it was." riven said eating one. "why do you hate her she's so sweet." I said to him and he looked at me. "she's so sweet she left you alone high so she could find dane and give him brownies." he said laughing and I looked down. "she... she's just- she didn't mean to leave me I left her. I left musa too but they're my best friends and I would do anything for them." I said and he leaned back blowing smoke out. 

    "whatever you must be a lesbian or some shit just like Danes gay." he said and I was getting mad. "what's wrong with being gay or lesbian?" I asked him and he laughed. "I'm not lesbian though I'm straight." I said walking over to him. "yeah sure you are." he said and I was getting frustrated. "oh yeah if I was lesbian would I do this?" I asked kissing him. he immediately rapped is hand around my neck and kissed me back. after a while I pulled away. "told you so." I said smirking at him and he sat there dumbfounded. 

   "what the fuck your eyes just changed colors." he said looking at me and dane noticed too. "you boys are just high. here lets smoke more." she said and they lit a joint. I suddenly felt really sick and ran out of the room. I found a bathroom and threw up a ton. I couldn't stop and ran out of the barrier something calling me there. I looked around confused and then I heard my name. I turned around and saw the creature from my dream. 

    "this isn't real." I said before suddenly I woke up. I was in the middle of a field near the barrier. god what did I do last night? Im never eating a brownie again. god I'm gonna be late for class. I ran to class and when I walked in everyone looked back at me. I looked down and sat in my seat. when class was over I went back to the dorm where I saw terra looking upset. "what's wrong?" I asked her and she looked down. "why does no one like me?" she asked and I sat beside her. "what do you mean?"

    she looked down and I sat on the bed beside her. "dane the new guy. not only did he say bad stuff about me, but he talked about you." she said and I was confused. "what are you talking about?" I asked and she pulled out her phone pulling up his snap chat story. "the first was of me and riven which I immediately went wide eyed. "what the heck when did that even happen?" I said looking at me and him kiss. I thought that was a dream. "that's not all." she said and pressed to the next video. 

    it was all three of them talking bad about terra. "smile for the camera." Beatrix said holding up my phone. how did they get that? "send It to terra a weird bitch will probably believe its from luna. I wish she was still here." dane said and riven grabbed the phone. "same mate she did some good shit with her tongue. god damn the innocent ones are always the most fun." he said and I felt violated. "what the hell. terra don't listen to them." I said to her and she looked down. "they're right about me they texted me off your phone too." she said and I rolled my eyes. 

   I finally cheered her up though I felt violated and then I got ready for training. I went out there and went straight to riven. "hey asshole give me my phone back." I said to him and he turned around smirking. "what no kiss first?" he asked and I punched him the the shoulder. "good morning to you to princess." he said laughing. "don't you ever say anything  about my friend ever again and say the same to dane. I thought you were fucking misunderstood but your just an ass!" I said hitting him repeatedly. 

    "calm down princess its not a big deal we were just having fun." he said and I was infuriated. "I'm glad you think putting down a self conscious teenage girl who is younger than you fine. you must've been bullied bad when you were younger. parents didn't love you huh? whatever it is grow the fuck up." I said feeling myself lose control and suddenly there was a big shock of electricity between us. I fell down grabbing my arm. I looked at him who was also on the ground before I stood up. 

   I grabbed my phone from him and stormed away. I felt his eyes along with others as I walked over and started training. about half way through silva called us all. "today we are going to be sparring." he said and I sighed. great time to embarrass myself. I thought. "luna what was that?" I heard and I looked up. shit I said that out loud. "nothing sir..." I said. "great if its nothing you can go first. you and hmmm... dane." he said and suddenly I was excited. 

   hopefully I can show him not to mess with terra. we stepped up to spar and I could tell his mind was somewhere else. I used that to my advantage and struck first and fast before sweeping his feet out from under. I knelt down beside him. "that's what you get for messing with terra after she was nothing but kind to you." I said as I heard a round of applause from silva. "wow the girl knows what she's doing you're a natural." he said and I nodded. 

       I looked down at my wrist to see the time and realized my watch was gone. I must've dropped it by the barrier. after our training finally ended I went by the barrier looking for my watch. "ah there it is." I said as I picked it up dusting it off. my dad gave me this watch he said it ran in his family and since I was an only child I was next in line for it. as I smiled down at the memories I realized that besides texting I hadn't talked to my parents. they currently thought I was at a different school. 

    as I thought about it I saw riven go off beyond the barrier and of course I was going to follow him. 

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