club scene (1)

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Note: (Angeline smokes rolled up cigarettes. No, it is not healthy, but many Tribal people are easy to influence due to the Sacred relationship with tobacco in the past. It is almost impossible to find just tobacco not full of chemicals and nicotine.)

~•‡• It was a rowdy night at a club named Shadow Run. A retired captain from the US. Air Force had been stationed in London and never left but chose to retire in England. He had seen how much 'cosplay' had taken off and so the club was based, for people to let loose and be in attire all the time, instead of only at conventions.

Frank turned to his new bartender and daughter of a ex finance of the same name, Angeline Colter. He knew her from Seattle and was asked to help keep an eye on the daughter, by her father. She had been transferred to London, to attend college and to get her law degree. Angel, as she was known as, was from the Haida tribe and wished to know the law to help her people. She had hoped moving to London would make it so she could follow her dream, but a dark voice in her mind said 'No, embrace your Morpheus...'

This Friday was busier than normal, even for how short a time period the tribal woman had worked for her guardian Frank. Angel wondered why but focused on the orders of various drinks customers wanted. The night was full of energy and seemed to cause the customers to be more sexual in nature. Occasionally an aura like feeling would crawl across her skin. Something wasn't right or she was having a premonition.

Something wicked was coming this way and would smell of blood and death...that was all she could gather. The colors crimson and black swirling in shadows was the last piece of imagery.

"Hey Frank! Notice anything about the crowd tonight?" Angel asked half-heartedly. She hoped it was just her oversensitivity to the current loud, partying crowd.

Frank looked up, "Well it is a full moon and sometimes strange things happen on full moons they say, why?"

"Everyone seems very drawn to exhibitionism tonight and heavy with sexual energy..."she licked her top lip and looked around the club.

Unknown to Frank, she had night vision, the range 200 feet (60 m). Her eyes scanned the club floor more closely and as far as her vision permitted. Angel didn't perceive any current and impending doom about to happen. Maybe it was just gitters from the club filled to almost full capacity.

"All I see is people dressed up and having a great time, relax!" Frank shouted above the club noise but barely.

Frank had been told something horrible happened in Seattle six months and she was traumatized by it. He didn't know what, but he felt, she would tell him, in time. He was friends with her father and said he would protect the girl. Angeline's father, Joe worried about her being in England and access to travel to Europe, that her tribal features would draw people to Angel. Angel had only lived in Seattle and her tribal lands in Alaska, the concern being people would take advantage of her.

Joe Colter had no idea what she had happen in Seattle and guys trying to fuck her was the least of her concerns. Simple mirrors were enough at times now.

"Hey Frank, can I take my break for a smoke?" Angel requested politely.

"Go, got this covered..."he grinned.

Angel grabbed her bag and went outside to smoke. She took a rolling paper and put tobacco on it then rolled it up. She licked the paper then pulled a butane lighter to light it.

"Maybe I'm just edgy tonight but something is not right..." she mumbles softly to herself. The lighter flicked on and then off as the handmade cigarette is lit. Angel took a long drag of the cigarette.

Then she took another puff and then her skin crawled once more, and it was much stronger than in the club currently. So, Angel closed her eyes tight and felt the sensation that always denoted an evil presence was approaching. She was not sure where she 'sensed evil' but it was there. It was in fact everywhere as if a living entity of great shadow and darkness. Angel finished her smoke, placed it in an outdoor cigarette trash can and reached to open the back door.

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