rough loving (29)

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Albert!" Alucard bellowed, his mouth open and showing fangs like a roaring lion. This was a fine example of a master vampire doing a vocal horror attack.

Albert yanked the oak door open and immediately growled in a low register," She's not here King of undead monsters!  Angel went somewhere safe from you."

"Oh?" Alucard titled his ebony locked head as his hands crushed each side of the door frame. Albert didn't miss that the Vampire King had gloves on, but it didn't stop nails, talon like, to leave gouges in the hard wood.

"You are too late Abomination," Albert hissed." Adriean is on his way to pick the young Nightbane up.  We had a contract before ours was made."

Alucard was a blur of red as he tackled the demonic Imp and yanked Albert back up on his feet. "Where. Is. She?  I won't interrogate you again."

"Where would a Nightbane go for sanctuary?" Albert clawed at the white gloved hand. "You will be too late because you stopped here first."

"Had this all thought out, did you demon?" Alucard rolled his tongue over a mouth full of sharp teeth. "Did you think that the Vampire King would catch you and do this?"

Albert's last breath caught in his throat as Alucard tore through the Imp's neck.  The blood was dark and foul tasting, but it gave all the information he needed to know.  The Unholy King knew his little raven was staying at the Chateau Sanguine and she would receive sanctuary. Staying there meant she was temporarily safe from the Hellsing Organization. 

Alucard smirked. Mr. Slender might just be in love with the young Nightbane...

Angel was just beginning to enjoy a steak dinner when a knock came to her door.  She thought nothing of it, being at the chateau and opened the door to a master vampire.  The enemy vampire Adriean with Seth and Brad in tow.

"This is a sanctuary. I asked and was granted sanctuary!" She screeched at them.

"Miss Colter you cannot stay here forever so why not end this now and just come with me..."he sneered.

"No." She sternly said. " I am not afraid of you."

"You should be child..." he laughed. "Now come and be mine.  We shall kill the Vampire King and I will take the crown up."

" means no!" As her body transformed once more but her head only had four inches(10cm) of clearance and Angel couldn't unfold her wings.  Yet what she had planned for the other three, she didn't need to.  With a gesture of her long ebony shaded taloned (ravens have decent sharp claws) fingers as if she was grabbing something from the air.  Tendrils of ultimate darkness came to life as the room went pitch black that even Adriean could not see.  His body felt cold barbs pierce his arms, legs and shoulders.

"Fucking cunt!" he bellowed but his voice was nothing like All Father's. It didn't scare Angel one bit.

"That's fucking sunshine cunt to you..." a mechanical voice laughed out.

The master vampire had not seen the sun for four hundred and fifty years but now he saw the power of sunlight harnessed in a small ball hovering over her shoulder.  He blinked from the bright beams produced and then let a breath out. His body became black and charred.  Slowly his body crumbled to the floor as soot and ash.  Seth and Brad screamed out of fear and pain until the door to the chateau was kicked down to a horrible sight.


A wild and crazy sounding laugh came from his body.  Alucard was right, he was in love so to speak.  He marveled at her shadow tendrils and projection of shadow that made the room almost impossible for most other beings to even be able to see.

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