bad dreams (24)

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Angel slept well for the first part of the night but then the nightmares began again. Now the nightmare showed Alucard placing his gun barrel to her forehead as Sir Hellsing said to fire. He obeyed his master without question and pulled the trigger. A thunderous sounding gunshot rang in her ears and then Angel's head suddenly ached. The young tribal woman woke up with a soundless scream. Her body was tangled in the sheets, as she struggled to get free of them. Slowly the nightmare faded, and Angeline was able to free herself then head for the bathroom to wash her sweaty face.

"My dear what has you up at this hour?" a voice softly asked in the darkened room.

"Go away, Alucard..." Angel mumbled while drying her face off.

The Eldritch vampire made a tsking sound, "Something has you upset and since I cannot sneak a peek then I am forced to ask you out loud."

"You," she hissed out. "Sir Hellsing gave you an order to kill me. You put the gun to my head and just pulled the trigger without hesitation...I have a headache now."

"May I enter?" he inquired politely.

"What? Yeah whatever..."her hand swatted at the air.

Alucard stepped through the doorway of the bathroom but when he reached Angel, he was transformed to his Vlad form, minus his amour. He was wearing a button up shirt, with his sleeves rolled up and black pants with boots. The Vampire King placed his large, pale hands on her shoulders then spoke close to her ear, "I gave you a scare and now having met my boss, has your nerves on edge..."

Angel glared at him in the mirror, "It would be better if you could say you would never intentionally harm me."

No Life King sighed, "I would if it was in my power, but it is not. You just need to prove to the Hellsing Organization that you are not a threat."

Angel now sighed tiredly, "That doesn't help me right now..."

"Mmm, I could get you back to sleep..."the sexual hint was quite obvious.

"Vlad, I don't know you well enough for that yet," Angeline scolded him.

Vlad smirked back, "No my dear. Put something on and I will hold you until you fall back to sleep. If I touch and hold you then perhaps it will ease your mind about me harming, you?"

"Okay but I can't sleep unless nude so that is a problem..." her nose wrinkled a little as she said the words to him.

"Ahh, hence the comment..." his hands came away from her shoulders. "I believe two adults can sleep in a bed, naked, and not act upon any urges that might stem from bare skin."

"I could just use my Morpheus form," Angel giggled. "But I think my feet might stick off the bed a little."

"Mmm, it wasn't your feet but your beautiful wings I was wondering about," Vlad softly commented. "Perhaps someday you will let me see them up close and touch them?"

"I will when I become more comfortable with that form," Angel turned to leave the bathroom. "Not used to having not to hide things anymore from someone but then nobody is remotes like you dark prince."

Vlad dismissed his clothes immediately and walked behind Angeline, while admiring the view of her backside. "Yes well, not everyone needs to know your secrets."

"Is Albert a demon?" The Tribal woman changed the subject slightly. "I did as you said, and I did an aura check on him. He is one I have not seen ever. It is much different from yours, in many subtle ways."

"Albert is an imp..." Vlad filled in the blank as he held the sheets up for Angeline.

"Not an Incubus?" Her eyebrows rose up.

"A demon's species name is mostly irrelevant as they are only seeking to 'steal' your soul with sweet words of nothing," Vlad scowled.

"I don't really know anything reliable about vampires," Angeline stated getting into the bed. "There are no vampires in many tribal stories. The closest is a cannibal called Wendigo and you are not twenty-five feet tall and eating constantly. Are you?"

"I may be a pervert and want to 'eat you up' sexually, but I do have a limit to how much blood I need," Vlad was now settling in the bed.

Angel rolled on her right side to get comfortable as the Vampire King shifted the sheets slightly. They were two grown adults, sleeping nude and nothing was going to happen, but that didn't mean his body completely listened.  What man's does or the fear of getting up in front of the classroom wouldn't be true. He wasn't sure how Angeline would feel about a 'stiffie' poking her before he left for Hellsing.

'Alucard, " Angel mumbled. "Vlad..
thank you but that's not needed. I am poorly experienced but far from an innocent virgin. Men have erections, that's normal."

His tall body settled in, next to hers, his long limbs stretched out and engulfed her bare form. Angel let a contented sigh out from the skin-to-skin touch. How is it that this evil creature understands more things, than any human? He accepts me as is.

Then she noticed his skin was cooler to the touch, but then she ran warmer and so it felt good. Then she could sense questions, but Vlad said nothing.

"Okay look, I was seventeen and thought I was in love," Angel quietly said. "We weren't meant for each other."

"My dear, you need not have felt the need to tell me. Yes, I come from that time in history but all it is for boosting the male ego is all. 'I claimed her first' mentality. I am more concerned about being a good match and making you feel good..."he replied like a grumpy cat woken up from a nap.

Angeline felt her body get warmer, "Okay enough of that lover boy! Go to sleep or whatever vampires do..."

"I will be gone in the morning Angel," Vlad placed a kiss on the back of her head. "I will be slumbering at Hellsing for the daytime."

"Good rest of the night Vlad," she said.

"Au vise placute regina corbului (have pleasant dreams raven queen) ..." Vlad whispered back.

Shadow King continued to press his body tightly against her backside. Her skin was soft and warm, so inviting for him wanting to have a nibble but he promised he would behave, and he meant it for feeding on her too. His inky black hair mingled with her raven wing colored hair and formed a surreal picture. Vlad had not planned to fall asleep, but he indeed did just that.

Outside the bedroom door stood Albert and he wasn't happy. Vlad had gotten in bed with his prize and wasn't even wearing anything, how ungentle man like the demon thought. If his nemesis could 'cheat' then he would figure a way to cheat too. The Vampire King wasn't going to get Angeline Coulter that easily.

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