Antebellum mirror (27)

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Albert began the intricate penmanship for the contract between the Vampire King and the Demon Imp. Vladan added additional scrolling and penmanship. One part demon written, and other part written by an undead alchemist to ensnare the third party. Sadly, it was just another fine example of how Indigenous Women are seen as and get seen by many. Angel didn't have a say and she should have. They saw the Nightbane as a beautiful monster and desired to claim her. The two other beings didn't see or care where she had come from but where the future headed.

Then next came the nefarious details of the document in which Angeline Colter had to choose either Albert or Alucard. Each 'monster' being looked over the contract once more for any tricks and then each pricked their right thumb pad to place a bloody print on the parchment. Vladan took the right side and Albert took the left side and then the final step was the two formed a combined print that overlapped each other.

Albert moved the 'contract' to the cash register and placed it hidden beneath books and other desk items. A few push pins were scattered among the other items. The plan was for Angel to prick her finger and leave a bloody print on the document. The final bait was the placing of Angeline's keys on the desk. When grabbing her keys, the job would be done, and she would be completely unaware.

Alucard once more seamlessly transformed to Vlad the Impaler Prince as he glided up the stairs and then proceeded to stick his head in. His hellfire molten eyes noted that the dessert was eaten, and Angel was asleep above the covers. With a roll of his vampiric colored eyes, he motioned a shadow tendril to place a sheet over her body. She was too tempting in her current state of undress. Angel deserved to be respected and his mind traveled back to all the memories of being a perverted cad of a male. That would be something he needed to work on.

He folded into shadows and entered the room to settle in the ottoman lounge chair. His fingers produced a book, snagged from Albert's private library and his body got comfortable for reading. His mind was restless, so he glanced over his broad shoulder to study the mirror. The dark prince rose up silently, moved like liquid shadow and stood before the mirror. Albert said others could come through the mirror just as easily as Angel could enter into it. His heightened instincts told him someone was waiting on the other side of the glass.

Vladan, as he was now called by the young woman, shifted away from the mirror and stood in the shadows that became darker than naturally possible. His hand posed to strike or grab someone or something coming through the mirror. It was a few minutes before an inky pool of liquid flowed out of the mirror. All Father's tendrils of shadow could grasp the liquid and began to corral it until a body formed.

The body became a short man with horns and sharp teeth but the method through the mirror was that of a Nightbane. The short Nightbane looked to Vladan with white showing in his eyes. All Nightbane instinctively knew that to be in the grasp of a vampire was not a good situation, whatsoever.

"Little minion of the Imp," he grinned menacingly. "You have information I want, and I will take from you now."

The Nightbane shook his head feverishly no,"I am escaping from hounds in the Nightlands is all, Master Vampire."

"No?" his hand struck like lightning and grasped the throat tightly. "I am unable to take you by your word of course."

Now a series of events took place in a great performance of violent means as Vladan seized the Nightbane by the throat, mouth full of all sharp teeth, not just canines and began tearing the Nightbane's throat out. His mouth slurped and his tongue lapped rapidly, to consume all the blood spilling. The truth and the knowledge of the Nightbane was trapped in the blood and it told the Unholy King, all he needed to know. In the throes of dying the Nightbane reverted to black inky fluid and tried to enter the mirror to escape. That was when the mirror was struck and glass shattered across the floor, mingling amongst the black dissipating Nightbane blood on the floor.

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