Guilt and Betrayal

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I started to cry a little, but to keep myself from getting embarrassed I forced them back It didn't help much though, because Logan walked up from behind me and looked me in the eyes, for once, a sympathetic look on his face. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. It was possibly the best hug I’d ever had, it felt like being hugged by a real life teddy bear. This sent a feeling of security, of warmth and safety running through my body. I didn’t dare pull away, I hugged him back, just as tight and buried my head into his chest while he laid his on top of my head.

“How cute, are you guys gonna come back or what?” Finn asks in a bored tone.

I wipe my tears so no one can see and respond before Logan gets the chance to tell them to go away, “Ya, sorry.”

“Christina, you don’t have to go back with them. I can drive you home if you want.” Logan suggested.

“First off: Thank you for the offer but that won’t be necessary. Second off: you called me Christina!”

“Don’t get used to it Ace.” he ruffles my hair, “Race ya back to the pool house?”

“You're on, Huntzberger!”

I open the door to the van, filled with completely wasted boys, and cause I'm completely wasted as well, I fall out of the van. After getting back up to my feet, I push my hair out of my face and wave goodbye to the boys and head inside the house and go to sleep.

I'm reading ‘Island of the Blue Dolphins’ by Scott O’Dell, next to Rory who is reading the newspaper. Paris Rushes in, “Who stole my glue gun?!”

“It wasn’t me but Paris, maybe be a little quieter when asking that, your more likely to get an answer that way.” I advise, “Are you sure someone took it?”

“Ugh, it was that Janet wasn't it?”

“Accusing people also won't get you anywhere. Gosh, you have a life coach why am I saying this stuff, go talk to Terrance.”

Knock, Knock, Knock

Paris opens the door, “Chris, it’s for you!” She walks back to the couch and continues to rant to Rory.

I get up to go see who it is, “What a lovely surprise, Mr. Huntzberger...Is that german? ‘Cause burger is german and there's a ketchup brand called Huntz and its german.”

He chuckles. “Actually I was wondering if we could talk?”

“Uh-Sure, about what?” 

“Follow me.”

“Well that was vague.”

I follow Logan out of the dormitories and to the coffee cart. 

“What are we doing here?” 

“I’m getting us some coffee so we can talk.”

“I’m not really big on coffee.”

“Ok, then I'm getting myself some coffee.” he corrects himself.

“So what was it you wanted to talk about?” I inquire.

We walk over to a big oak tree and sit on a bench beneath it. He turns to face me, “So um...The other night when your ex-boyfriend showed up. Umm, what happened between you two? If you don't mind my asking.”

“Nothing really, just a peaceful, norml breakup.”

“It didn't seem like that.” he pries.

“Well that's what it was.”

“You swear?”

I sigh, giving in, “I had always had my mind set on going to college. No boy, no person, no thing, could get in the way of that. When I got my applications back, I made it into all the schools I applied for except  for my dream school; Texas A&M. I was upset, but still glad all the others accepted me. I don’t know why an Ivy league school would accept me but not a normal school, it was probably because my grandparent went here and the other ivy league schools wanted me there out of competitiveness. Anyways, I had made up my mind, I’d go to Yale. When I went to tell Jess, he tried to convince me to not go to college, to run away with him. I resisted and he tried talking me into taking a ‘Gap year’ but I still resisted. He practically begged me and it just made me feel guilty. I nearly gave in but then thought to myself, ‘Someone who holds you back from your dreams once will do it again, and again, and again, until you're left with nothing.’ So I broke up with him. I loved him SO much, but that's not what hurt the most. After we broke up, he started dating my sister, who had just broken up with her boyfriend, Dean. Besides heights and failure, betrayal has always been one of my biggest fears; and there she goes, there my sister goes and starts dating the boy I just broke up with, literally the night she broke up with her boyfriend. Me and Rory moved past that, but while her and Jess were dating, he left without saying a thing. So not only did this boy try to keep me from my ambitions and use my sister to make me jealous, he also broke her heart in the making. Im completely fine though, i'm over it, truthfully. It's just not exactly ‘fun’ to reminisce about it like the other night.”

I look down to see Logan’s hand on my knee and him looking at me intently and I can't help but get butterflies. Gosh why am I like this?

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