The Life or Death Brigade

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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
   I'm so excited to go to this thing, hopefully I don't get kidnapped, probably not, you can never be too prepared though. I reach for the dagger behind my a painting in my room. I know what your thinking, 'this girl is crazy' or something like that, but I'm not, it's for protection ONLY; I don't just go around stabbing people. Right as I pull the canvas back some, Rory comes hurrying through the door.
   "I totally forgot to ask you yesterday, did you talk to logan?" She inquires. Oh ya, I forgot to tell her. That also means she won't be going with me.Maybe if I blindfold her too they'll take her.
   "Right, so he is going to take me to this c- I mean secret society thing. I forgot to ask for you to come but I think if we blindfold you he'll take you." I respond.
   "Ok, I'll go make a blindfold out of that old beach boys t-shirt."
   " K, meet me in my room and 3:50. "
   "Will do" she walks out.

   It's 4:00 on the dot and Rory and I are waiting in the hall for logan

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   It's 4:00 on the dot and Rory and I are waiting in the hall for logan. I wonder if I brought en- someone interrupts my thoughts, "ready ace? Wait who's this."
   " yes logan, I'm ready and this is my sister rory, she's using the cult thing for her newspaper article and I figured if she was blindfolded she could come too. Is that ok? " you reply.
   He hesitates, then replies, "ok, she's sitting in the back next to Colin."

   "Can I take off my blindfold now?" Rory asks from the back row of the car

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   "Can I take off my blindfold now?" Rory asks from the back row of the car.
   Idiot. The whole reason we have them is so we can't see where were going.
   "Well we're kinda also trying to hide the location..." He trails off, not knowing what to call her.
   "Rory" she says.
   "You guys do realize I know where we are right now, you can feel where the car turns." I put in.
   " Well then where are we? " a girl you hadn't heard yet quizzes.
   "Highway 69 on the far right lane." You answer knowingly. "don't worry, I respect the fact you don't want me knowing the location so I'll stop."
   "why aren't you guys wearing the gorilla masks?" Rory questions from the back.
   "she can see through the blindfold? How can she see?" The same girl wonders.
   Together in sync, me  and Rory answer, " If you had them on, your voices would be muffled. "
   They all scoffed in disbelief. "Ok Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, we get it." Logan laughs.
   " wait which am i? " I question.
   "Why does it matter?"
   " it matters!" Rory exclaims.
   "Ok fine, ace, your Sherlock and Rory your Dr watson."
   " aww, I wanna be Dr watson cause he has a cool mustache! " i whine.
   "Ya and I wanna be Sherlock cause he's the main character!" Rory adds.
   " ok ok, ace, your Dr watson, Rory, your Sherlock. Good? " He caves.
   "Perfect" we both say.
   "Ok I'm bored I'm going to bed." I say, putting on my headphones and listening to Michael Jackson.

   I wake up in Logan's shoulder after falling asleep listening to music

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   I wake up in Logan's shoulder after falling asleep listening to music. Wait, what did I just say?! On LOGAN'S shoulder?! Well that's awkward. I sit up, rub my eyes and yawn.
   "Sorry um... About that, this is awkward." I apologize to Logan.
   "Oh, that's ok" he laughs."Were here, so grab your stuff and come on."
   " Ok" I grab my things and follow everyone out the car to a campsite. There Must be hundreds of white tents.
   Rory and I follow Logan to one of the tents, "here's your tent" he tells us.
   Our tent? Are we spending the night out here? But before I can ask that, Rory does for me.
   "Our tent? I didn't think we were staying here."
   " Yup" he replies, popping the 'p'.

   While Rory was outside talking to people and taking notes, I was searching the tent for any weird things I may find, yknow like bombs or whatever

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   While Rory was outside talking to people and taking notes, I was searching the tent for any weird things I may find, yknow like bombs or whatever. Yes I know I seem paranoid, I'm just ready for anything; haha get it? In omnia paratus, ready for anything? Ya ya I know, my humor is dryer than the Sahara desert but we don't talk about that. I was searching the night stand in between Rory and I's cotts. In the drawer, there was a hole, I stuck my finger in it and pulled, the bottom of the drawer came out, revealing a compartment with a knife. Yay, they're trying to murder me. I took the knife and put it under my pillow since I forgot my dagger from behind the picture frame. I came here to learn, I should probably go do so.

   For the past 2 and a half hours I had been hanging out and taking notes on the whole gathering. It was honestly pretty fun. One thing I noticed is they do a bunch of little things then have one crazy thing that they do. I heard a noise and looked over to see logan, he had two plates in his hands.
   "Good, you come bearing food!"I exclaim.
   " that I did. So what are you doing. " He motions to the book I was reading.
   "Oh gotta go." He says.
   " ok I'm going to bed"


   Hey, I was just wondering, how are you liking it so far, I must have feedbackkkk. If theres any suggestions I'm open to criticism.

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