What Color Are You?

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"Hello there young lady. What might your name be?" The doctor asked me.


"Very pretty name. How old are you?"


"Very nice. I'm just going to take your blood sample very quickly so we can put you in a group." He motions toward the wall with a pyramid striped with different colors. "The least dangerous is the greens. They are very smart. Then there are the blue who can move things with their minds. You shouldn't worry about those two groups. They are very safe. Then the yellows, you should be cautious of them. They can control electricity." I looked at the poster and there were two more categories left.

"How about those two?" I point to them. He brings the needle to my arm and puts it through my skin. I flinch a little but I was always good around needles.

"Those are the most dangerous. The reds can make fire and control it. Then the oranges can read and control minds. But don't worry the chances of you being one of those two are very slim." I nod my head slowly. I don't trust anyone in this compound. He puts my blood in the machine and it starts whirring softly. We wait a few seconds then the doctor's computer rings. "Ah here we go. Let's see. Your most likely a green." He smiles and heads towards his computer. I can already read it because it says:


"That is very, very odd. Our first case where it doesn't put you in a group. No matter we'll just try again. New system and all." He comes up to me and takes out more blood. Test after test each one coming out inconclusive until he tells me he'll have to bring the higher ups. Two people come. He walks outside the door to talk with them outside but I could still hear them softly.

"Is she dangerous?" A male says.

"No not at all. Very quiet girl though." The voice is the doctor's.

"Doctor your supposed to be good at this and yet you can't identify one little girl."

"She's different."

"They all are."

"I mean her dna it's adapting. Sort of like a chameleon who can camouflage into their surroundings. I have a feeling we discovered a new color."

"That's impossible. There is no other color. Even the oranges and reds who are rare still come through. We would've met a new color if there was one."

"I don't know what to tell you. She is different."

"Do you think she is human?"

"No. Not at all. Like I said her DNA is changing as we speak."

"Let me speak to her." Finally the other voice speaks. It's a woman's.

"I have no other ideas so the doctor and I will go find someone who is capable of helping out more. Meanwhile have fun." The male says and I can hear them walk away. A few seconds later the door opens and a female woman comes through. Her hair is brown with highlights and she has a smile.

"My name is Dr. Cate Conner and you are?" She asks me.

"Y/N." I say slightly annoyed I have to go through this again.

"Ah. Very nice name."

"So everyone keeps saying." I snapped. The doctor chuckles.

"You've got a fierce spirit. I admire that. You know your very different then anyone that has come through."

"So I heard." I looked at the door. She caught on to my drift.

"You eavesdropped?" I nod my head yes. "Smart girl. I can get you out of here if you would like." She tells me. "I can get you somewhere safe."

"But, I don't know what I am. I could hurt someone."  The doctor smiled at me.

"You're very selfless than. How about you stay here a while until you figure out your powers. Then I'll come and get you when your ready."

"Sounds nice. But how do I know if I can trust you?"

"Because I'm the only one here who'll protect you."  I nod my head yes at her.

"Alright then. I'll tell you when I'm ready."

"And I'll do very thing in my power to protect you." She reached for my hand and squeezes it. I squeeze it back. "But you'll have to keep this a secret."

"Alright." Then we heard footsteps outside the door and stop. The doctor walks in.

"You can come with me Y/N." He holds out his hand. I don't take it and I look at Cate. She smiles and it's reassuring. Then I took the doctors hand. And he brought me to a very dark part of the building we were in. We walked down multiple steps until he opened a sealed shut box and put me inside and closed the door shut. I look ahead to see a double sided mirror and a loud speaker that booms out:

Y/N we're going to see what you can do. The best way to do that is to put you in a high stakes situation. In about 30 seconds that door will open and a red will come through. This red will try to kill you. It is your job not to die at ANY MEANS NECESSARY! 30,29,28...

he keeps counting on and on and I am so nervous. Cate said she would protect me and I'm about to die. Never trust anyone. Then I hear the last couple of numbers






And I hear a chur-thunk of the door.


Tʜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ Pᴜʀᴘʟᴇ| Lɪᴀᴍ x Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ| Tʜᴇ Dᴀrᴋᴇsᴛ Mɪɴᴅs Where stories live. Discover now