Ch. 2

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"Hey, (B/n). You asked me to call you on my first day. I'm walking to school right now. I'm really nervous. I wish you could talk me out of my nerves-" she deleted the message. "No. That's stupid, I don't want him to feel bad." She hit her forehead with the side of her fist. "Hey, (B/n)! I'm on my way to school now. I was just- no, no I'll just text him later." She deleted the message and shoved her phone into her pocket. Her walk was empty and lonely. She heaved a sigh and continued walking straight ahead.

After a long walk, she made it into school. The first years had to go straight to the office for their schedules and another student guides them to their first class. After (Y/n) told the girl in front her first and last name, she was directed to a sour looking blonde boy with emerald green eyes. "Name?" He grunted. "(Y/n) (L/n)." The boy looked through his folder, muttering her name until he finally found it. He pulled out a paper and handed it to her. "Your classes were handpicked by the Headmaster based on your test scores during the exam last weekend." The boy informed gruffly. "Alfred! Can you-" he stopped and groaned. "Can't he be anywhere on time?" He cursed under his breath. (Y/n) jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"I can take her, no problem!" A familiar voice sounds from above her head. "Thank you." The blonde sighs. (Y/n) was steered away quickly. "Wait- you- you're..." As she struggled to form a proper sentence, the boy laughs beside her. "Hola! So we meet again, chica. This must mean we were destined to be great amigos!" Antonio cheered. "If you say so..." (Y/n) muttered, keeping in step with him. "So what was up with you and Gil last night? You guys seemed tense."

"It's a long story and an even longer headache." Antonio frowned upon hearing her bitter words so he tried to change the subject. "There will be a few student guides in the halls. Just look for someone with this kind of badge." He showed of his badge to her and she hummed. "Okay." The conversation ended there until they arrived at (Y/n)'s classroom. "Thank you, Antonio." She said gratefully. "Please, call me Toni." He reassured.

"Right." (Y/n) awkwardly shuffled into the room and told the teacher her name. She sat in a random seat and a few minutes later a boy sits down next to her. She noticed he kept glancing at her. Did he want to talk? Why wasn't he?

She decided he wanted her to make the first move so she turned to him and smiled. "Hi, I'm (Y/n). What's your name?" The boy had pretty purple eyes and light blonde hair. He seemed taken aback. "You are... talking to me, yes?" He asked, pointing at himself. "Yeah, of course." (Y/n) responded, praying she wouldn't get shut down immediately. "Hello. I am Ivan. It is so nice to speak with you." The boy says with a wide smile. A wave of relief flooded over her.

"I was afraid you were going to shut me down." (Y/n) laughed softly. "What? Why would anyone shut you down? I do not get it." Ivan spoke bluntly. "You just have to expect the worst I guess." (Y/n) shrugged and the teacher began briefing everyone on how their days are going to go. When they first arrive at school they have to go to their homeroom for attendance but after that they can roam the campus until first period. Everyone eats lunch at 11:30am-12:15pm. Dismissal is at 2:00pm.

The bell rang and all the students ran out of the door, leaving (Y/n) as one of the last students left in the class. She patiently waits until the door is clear so she can walk out. Looking around, she couldn't find anyone with a badge so she could ask for help to find her first class. As cliche as it is, she couldn't find a single soul. The halls soon cleared and became barren. She looked at her sheet of paper.

Geometry; room C40.

There wasn't even a letter on some of these doors! She shouldn't have just let the crowd take her and actually looked. Now she's going to be late. "Hey! You! What are you doing out in the halls!?" A  loud and energetic voice shouts from at least the other end of the hall. (Y/n) was trying to manifest the ability to melt into the floor but of course, it's impossible. The owner of the voice jogs over and waves their hand in from of her face. "Helloooo? Oh! You must be new, huh?" She could tell that the owner of the voice was a boy. A very tall one. She slowly looked up to meet bright blue eyes and sandy blonde hair.

Her eyes looked down to his chest and behind his brown jacket she noticed a badge similar to the one Antonio showed her. The boy clearly noticed her staring and pulled his jacket to the side. "Don't worry! I can help you out!" He laughed heroically(?) and snatched her schedule out of her hands. "Oh hey! We have the same class! Come on, follow me!" Without any choice, the girl follows him at a low-energy pace, but fast enough not to fall behind. "Here we are!" The boy cheers.

You're got to be kidding... it was just down the hall this whole time?!

"Thanks..." (Y/n) awkwardly takes her schedule back and the two of them walk into the class just as the bell rings. "Alfred! You better have a good explanation for being late!" The teacher roars. "Relax, I was only helping this newbie get to her class. I was very heroic by the way." Alfred gloats and the teacher's eyes travel to (Y/n), who was not so subtly trying to evaporate. The teacher's angry expression melts into a smile. "Ms. (L/n)! Your math teacher last year spoke highly of you! Maybe some of your good influence can rub off on Alfred but I doubt it. Go sit next to Arthur, he should be able to make sure you're up to speed."

She thanked him and took a seat next to Arthur, the grouchy blonde from this morning. Alfred, after asking a girl to move, sat in the seat right next to (Y/n). "Hey! I looked at your schedule, aren't you a year younger than me?" Alfred asked. (Y/n) decided it was best if she didn't respond, however she wasn't prepared for Alfred's arsenal of questions.

"You must be really smart huh? Can you do my homework? What kind of food do you like? What's your favorite color? Are you a burger or cheeseburger kind of person? Do you drink coke? What's your favorite fast food restaurant? Do you have friends? I'll be your friend. Mustard or ketchup? Do you eat dessert? What time do you have lunch? Aren't you happy I'm talking to you? Why do you look so annoyed?" The boy on her other side, Arthur, pokes his head past her to send a harsh glare towards Alfred. "Maybe she's annoyed because you keep talking her ear off and won't let her pay attention to class!"

Alfred stuck his tongue out at him. "No, it's probably because she doesn't want to look at your bushy eyebrows for 45 minutes." Arthur gasped. "What?! My eyebrows are elegant!" (Y/n) snickered softly. The quiet bickering lasted until the end of class and once the bell rang, (Y/n) was through the door in a millisecond.

She noticed a boy walk up to another one who came out of her class. "Big brother Lovino!" The first boy greeted. "Get the hell out of my way." The second said roughly. "But Lovi-"

"Leave me alone." The second boy hissed. "That's rude." (Y/n) muttered aloud. The boy whipped his head around to glare at her with his dark green eyes. "Excuse me?" He glowered. "You two are brothers, I mean you should at least be nicer to your younger brother." She felt the heat crawling up from her neck. God, her and her big mouth. Two hands were placed on her shoulders from behind. "Aha! There you are, (Y/n)! I've been looking for you, amiga." He starts steering her away from the pair and they stop once they're safe around the corner.

"Why did you do that Antonio?" (Y/n) asked once they came to a stop. "Lovi and Feli are my cousins. Lovino is very grumpy, he usually doesn't snap at girls so it's really weird that he looked like he wanted to kill you." He waves a hand in the air dismissively. "Anyways, what is your next class?"

(Y/n) pulls out her schedule. "Uhh... art." Antonio hums and leads her to the classroom. "Thank you, Antonio."

"Just call me Toni!"


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