saved or to late?

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Blake Asher prov:

Its been  a week since i came back from meetings, I was putting away the paper work as I finished put it in a folder that says finish to be sent out later on that will tell if I accepted or denied offers or stuff, most of it was denied so a lot will not be happy but I don't care I'm not stupid to fall for their tricks and lies. I turned off my office light and was about to call it a night and sleep when Felix mind linked me saying "hey Blake I fallowed Leo liked told and he went in the dudgeon so I waited he just left whipping off blood and last time I know you didn't order any one to be tortured for answers so I went in and looked there one room I cant get in the key isn't there and what I can see through the window thing in the door its a rouge badly hurt hanging by silver he doesn't look strong to be a threat" I signed walking out mind linking back "ill be there is the rogue breathing or can you not tell?".

there was a pass before I got a reply from him saying "I think but its not strong there's a lot of blood so he may die if nothing is done" I growl under my breath not knowing what got into Leo he knows not all rouges was the same right? as I mind link back "try and break down the door I know it'll be one less room but it can be fixed" as he gives me a yes sir back I started my way there mind linking the packs doctor to be ready for some one that's hurt and its not a pack member but it'll be fine.

when I got to the Dungan and walked in I got this strong scent of cherries which was heavenly which made my wolf go crazy saying mate but then my heart drops smelling blood mixed in with the smell as I run to where it is seeing it was the rogue Felix was talking about as my eyes was turning black pissed at the thought that some one touched our mate.

I snapped out of it when Felix yelled at me, "Blake! I need your help he is very weak. We need to get him to the doctor now! " i shake my head trying not to be mad at Felix for touching what's mine as i pick up the boy surprised that he wasn't heavy at all and which i didn't like that means he's not healthy, any way I ran to the packs hospital area yelling "doc! here he's fading fast, save him!" the doctor goes to take him which's earns a growl from me but I hand him over saying "you treat him with the most urgent he's my mate so if I hear you didn't do all you can do ill kill you understand" the doc nods shock at the information he got saying "yes alpha ill do all I can for our Luna" and with that he off into a room with my mate leaving me to pace in the hall way.

Felix grabbed my arm looking at me sadly saying "is it true he's your mate our Luna oh my goddess I'm so sorry....lets hope for the best ok I'm here for you" as he hugged me as i hug back holding back tears but failing "I just found him and I could lose him he was here in my pack being hurt Leo!' getting pissed again I pushed away "you go and put him into a cell room ill deal with him later he knows the rules and how I run things and he went behind my back by not telling me and lied plus even worse tortured him with out permission " Felix signed and said " sure but you need to calm down maybe rest or take a shower it'll be a while till the doctor will be done ok" I don't reply knowing I'm not leaving till I know if he ok and not with out him.

Felix left doing what I asked him to do as I sat down and waited worried and scared as my wolf whimpers not able to feel his wolf and seeing his mate like that really hurt both of us. an long hour later the doctor walked out coming over as I stood up " is he ok please tell me you saved him" the doctor smile sadly at me as he said "he lost a lot of blood not to mention it seems like he was starved so that didn't help but i got him patched up and ok for now but it can turn drastically over night or hours, he may not even wake we'll just have to wait and see I'm sorry alpha that I cant tell you better news".

I know he done all he could just wished that my little mate was out of the woods and better the doctor goes back to talking" as I was doing my work I found old scars that been there form years to be new and you told me he was here only like a two week or less so some one else have been hurting this boy" that made me even more pissed as I took a deep breath and ask "may I go in and sit in the room?" The doctor nods and shows me to the room.

I moved the chair closer grabbing my mates hand holding it "please don't leave me I wont let no one ever hurt you again I promise, just stay with me please I already love you so much your my mate I've been looking for so long" tears falls as I'm left to stay by my mate side not leaving sleeping there waiting for my mate to wake or move anything ill be ok to hear him sleep talking or good news from the doctor I just don't want to lose him as the guilt of not finding him sooner as for leaving that day or to look in deeper on to what leo was doing  or finding him before he even got hurt to save him I'm just blaming my self and hating everyone that hurt him.

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