The Dwarven Sorcerer Ch 13

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Kiric woke with a start in the middle of the night, his heart pounding hard against his chest; the sounds of breaking glass still echoed through his small house. At first, he thought he dreamt it but then there was a loud thunk and more breaking glass, loud and distinctly coming from the front of his house, someone was breaking in; it seemed impossible, there was no crime in Rathgar, and yet there was no denying it.

His wife woke next to him groggy, yet alert. Although they were both ripped from their sleep, they were aware enough to move with silent caution. They both got out of bed quietly, their naked bodies goose pimpling in the cool night air. Kiric grabbed a heavy iron candlestick holder from the side table as his wife moved to the bedroom door, preparing to open it. There was another thunk, this time followed by the sound of the front door shattering.

Kiric tightened his grip on the improvised weapon and listened to the heavy footsteps moving through his home. They came closer until they stopped outside his bedroom. Kiric nodded to his wife who quickly opened the door wide. Kiric raised his weapon above his head and stepped through the door, ready to strike.

Two heavily armoured dwarves with scarlet-cloaks stood near the bedroom door, each armed with a vicious-looking hand axe. Around the inquisitors, the remains of the shattered door and broken windows littered the floor. Neither of the armoured dwarves raised a weapon but just stared at the nude ancient dwarf standing in front of them.

"What the fuck do you want?" barked Kiric, his iron candlestick holder still held tightly in his hand.

"Want to put some clothes on first, grandpa?" asked one of the inquisitors.

"Go fuck yerself," said Kiric.

"Now, now grandpa, there's no need for hostility."

"No need for... are you fucking kidding me, you bloody pissant?" Kiric was nearly trembling with rage. "You come into my bloody house, you smash my bloody door and you say there's no need for hostilities? I ought to smash yer head in right now, you witless troll" Kiric looked like he wanted to say more but was too angry to speak.

"Please put down the," the inquisitor smirked, "candlestick."

Kiric didn't move, he ground his teeth and clenched it tighter. The inquisitors raised their own weapons slightly in response. Kiric's wife came out of the room, as naked as her husband.

"Now my love, there's no way you can beat both of these armoured young dwarves with your member hanging out like that, might as well put down the stick and listen to what these two have to say," she said.

"I'm happy to see one of you is reasonable," said an inquisitor.

"Ah, fuck off," she responded. "I want you two bloody fools to tell me why you've broken into my house and smashed my door in the middle of the night, right now! Otherwise, me husband here will be the least of your worries."

Kiric dropped the candlestick on the floor, it clanged loudly on the stone floor.

"Alright, it's about time you told me what-the-Hel you're doing here, ain't it?" demanded Kiric, his hands held in tight fists by his side.

"As representatives of the dwarven inquisition, we are placing you under arrest for the practice of wizardry."

"Oh, go to Hel," said Kiric.

Kiric was arrested along with over two dozen other dwarves that same night. Doors were broken, windows smashed, and dwarves arrested in front of loved ones. There was so much destruction from the overzealous inquisitors that for years after it would be called the night of shattered glass. The suspected wizards were rounded up and brought to interrogation rooms where they were made to confess. Most resisted, others didn't. In many ways, those who confessed got off easier than those who didn't.

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