Chapter 8

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Heyyyyyyy friends today is the day for the final chapter ! Are you ready I'm not ! Thank you so much for your support I am so thankful for all of you it's been a hell of a ride I think! Lots has happened this is a part of my life and it's just about over (epilogue coming soon). This ending is .... Well you will see >:) anyways love you guys so much thanks for everything :) xo

It was about a half hour later of complete silence. Silence was not a good thing when it came to these boys who were pacing the room all except will who stood perfectly still eyes glued to the door. My eyes felt heavy still even after being drugged many times it feels as if I haven't slept in an eternity. If it wasn't for the complete change in mood and the sound of shuffling feet and three familiar voices I would have fallen asleep but instead my eyes flew open to see Alfie, Caspar and sky standing at the far side of the room.
" ALFIE!!" My throat felt like glass but my voice remained steady
" ZOE! " he made a run for me but was stopped by wills ... Monkeys I guess you would call them "LET ME GO!" They shoved him hard against the wall he winced and crumpled to the floor for a moment before standing to his feet a small snarl escaping his lips
" gentlemen get the lady" will motioned towards me handing them a key that he had on a necklace around his neck will took out a gun of course he would have more then one he's a criminal. He held it down facing them.
" not one move" he directed them to a wall that had old damped flyers attached to it some of them falling half way off. I noticed Alfie hand was twitching towards his back he was hiding something and I knew it was the other gun. will doesn't know
Finn and Charles unlocked me taking me by the arms my feet to tired to carry myself dragged along the feeling hurt and I knew they were bleeding. They brought me to the others standing me close enough that I could almost reach for Alfie's Hand if he reached too.
" now what makes you think that because you come waltzing in here trying to be superheroes that I'm just Going to surrender HUH!?" He put the gun to Alfie's Chest I felt a cry beginning to form in the base of my throat "what makes you think I just won't shoot you?" He pressed harder into his chest
"STOP!" I yelled tears starting to well in my eyes he took it off and pointed at me instead Alfie reached his hand behind him.
" you don't get an opinion on this beautiful " he ran a finger through my hair sending a bone crunching shiver down my spine. " but I think it's time I let you three in on a little secret " he gestured to Alfie Caspar and myself " we all know sky right .." He exaggerated his t. A devilish grin plastered on his face Casper's face how ever went stone cold " well you see sky isn't who you three think isn't that right sky?" No one moved but sky was nodding even though her expression was nervous will darkly chuckled " you see sky well ... She's a spy" You could see Caspars heart obliterate into a thousand pieces Alfie had gone pale and I'm pretty sure my heart stopped. I noticed from the corner of my eye Finn was grinning with pleasure. He was swaying a little bit too " why don't you come reunite with you're real boyfriend sky?" She grinned walking across the floor her steps echoed loudly in the building she then proceeded to kiss Finn hard grabbing his other hand that wasn't holding me.
" why did you do this?!" Caspar looked like he was about to combust into tears but fiery shone in his eyes.
" she doesn't need a reason she's a criminal if you haven't noticed not a very good one though she's messed up a few times" will growled causing sky to flinch but a smirk grew on his face " I'm just kidding sort of" my eyes dart to Alfie who still had his hand behind his back our eyes lock I knew what he was waiting for I nod and take a deep breath
" will you're a monster !" He turned to me and chuckled and just as fast Alfie pulled out the gun cocked it but will was too fast and quickly span on his heel shooting. What happened in the next .5 of a second seemed almost impossible
Caspar shoved Alfie out of the way sending the bullet straight through his stomach but as Caspar was pushing Alfie, Alfie shot causing the bullet to miss will and hit Finn in chest. Even with The ringing in my hears I could hear my self screaming tears spilling out on my cheeks watching everything in slow motion as the light began to leave caspars eyes Alfie was trying to apply pressure but nothing was working Charles who was now shaking wouldn't let go of me even though I don't think it mattered anymore.Sky was sobbing into Finns lifeless body blood still spilling out of it turning the ground a dark red eventually mixing with the growing pool of caspars blood will to shocked by his dying sidekick to notice the subtle sound of sirens getting louder and louder in the distance. None of this was supposed to happen.
The police and paramedics entered the room guns held to there bodies tightly like they are supposed to be held
" on the ground drop your weapons!" Alfie and will let there guns fall on the floor the clanging and the sobbing of my self and sky were the only things that I could hear I watched as the paramedics did there assessments on Caspar and Finn only to conclude the obvious they were in fact dead this caused me to sob harder. Will and sky were handcuffed and brought away my body was shaking when we were aloud to get up I couldn't feel anything my entire body seemed to be frozen. And then I looked up and seen his eyes meeting mine his dark circles from restless nights my entire body probably looking like I've been through hell and back which I have. We were both crying uncontrollably. Shaking I felt like all of this was just one nightmare and any moment I would wake up next to Alfie In my bedroom smiling happy Caspar and Finn would be alive and happy and sky wouldn't even exist will would be jail in this fantasy world too. But here we stand starring at each other for what feels like the first time it's been so long ... So long and like that we fall into each other's arms crying harder if it was possible. After everything thing that's happened between the two of us we still have each other. And I'm finally safe.
What did you guys think ! Don't worry epilogue remember epilogue ! I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted but it's what in visioned ! I need you're help friends I need as many youtubers you can name all the drama that seems to be happening and anything you can think of about youtubers I would Preferably want ones over one million subs! If possible also if there's a female celeb that you think should play the main character of my next youtuber fic "vlogwarts" it's going to be good promise trust me! It's going to be drama filled but only written in one pov because that's hella easier ! Help me out please leave feedback what eves thank you all love you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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