chapter two

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heeeellllllo party people yall ready for the next chapter well first i know ive kept you waiting in suspense for a while but school started and dance started and drama happened and not to mention the homework i have everyday boys happened i just all the sudden got a really packed schedule like I am really busy so updating wont be as often but i promise i wont stop writing anyways my darlings its time to get on with the story love yall xx ps this isnt the longest update ever but the next one will be longer promise



I felt the handle dig into my hip as he guided me to our room I seen people smiling at us as we past because I have a smile plastered on my face everyone is blind to what is actually going on. Will opens the door and pulls me in and locks the door behind us he let's go of me and takes his jacket off Putting it in the closest I quietly make my way to the couch pulling my knees to my chest I hide my face in my knees letting a long sigh escape I feel the couch dip down and hand press into my back trying to be comforting but just comes across to hard I stare up at him his dark blue eyes full of sinister thoughts trying to come across as caring ones the same ones I seen before when we were a couple the ones he had before he turned evil and hit me . I don't flinch away from his touch when he kisses me on the cheek afraid of what he would do. He gives a little grin

" there's the Zoe I want " he whispers in my ear swooping his arm under my legs he pulls me onto his lap I let my legs go and dangle them over the edge of the couch I don't lean against him though until he forces me to by pulling me back I laid my head on his shoulder starring at the other side of the room I felt his hand under my chin tilting my face towards his I feel his lips against mine but I don't kiss him I won't .. I can't and then his grip gets tighter on the arm that was already bruised I wince he keeps pressing harder an harder until I have no choice but to kiss him back his lips were no where near alfies his were soft and gentile but wills were ruff and were not welcoming at all I wanted to pull away but each time I tried his grasp would get tighter will deepens the kiss forcing his tongue into my mouth his hand let's go of my arm goes under my shirt I push away

" please will stop " I plead his eyes went steel he pushes me off of him and slaps me hard in the face I cry out he covers my mouth with his hand

" shut up you bitch!" I lock my lips shut and stare at him in the eyes he takes his hand off of my mouth

" now what do you want to eat I shouldn't feed you but I want you alive so I have to " I don't say anything and just stare into his dark eyes he shrugs and enters the kitchen i consider going to the closet and geting the gun but what would i do with that about ten mintues later he comes back out and lays a bowl of soup in front of me i take little spoonfuls i was really hungrey


his arm was wrappeed tightly around my waist tears fell from my eyes and fell onto the bed sheets i mamnage to wiggle my way out of his grasp getting out of bed glancing back to make sure hes still asleep i escaape into the bathroom locking the door behind me I try to open the window but it won't budge I want to scream so bad I cover my mouth to keep it from coming out I start to sob staring at my self in the mirror I look so not my self my eyes have no life and somehow I look skinner weird I suddenly feel my head start to spin my stomach twists and everything in my stomach comes up Into the toilet I start to cry harder I hated vomiting I fall onto the floor holding my head between my knees I was seeing double I look up clenching my eyes shut my body was violently shaking the bathroom door opens will kneels next to me a sly smirk on his face he leans in close tucking a hair behind my ear kissing my forehead

"What ddddddid you dddo to mmmme" I stammer he chuckles darkly sitting back with his hands in his lap

"I made things a little easier for my self .....nighty nighty zoellllllaaaa" he waves his hand at me then my vision went blurry my head span faster and I hit the cold hard floor out cold he had drugged me


I woke up to the sound of noise in my house glancing at the clock it was only six am what's going on realization hits when I see skyler wasn't with me getting up throwing on a shirt I made my way to the living room to find she was standing there only in one of my shirts and boxers

"Love what are you doing " I wrap my arms around her waist leaning on her shoulder

" thinking " she whispered

"About Finn and alfie" she nods turning around so I was hugging her"do you know something no one else does" she nods again letting out a shaky breath " well what is it?"I stay calm I don't want to pull a Finn even though it is aggravating she hasn't mentioned it already

"Finn was told if it ever came to him being alone with Alfie if he got the chance he should kill him"

"And Finn has a gun " she nods my heart was pounding in my chest she lets go of me and walks away back into the bedroom  she comes back out with a two bookbags 

"we need to get to him we need to warn him we cant keep this from alfie anymore" i nod my head and head back into the bedroom to get dressed


we were on the road skyler would not stop fidgeting tapping her fingers on her lap or shifting her position

"sky are you alright?"  she doesnt say anything "sky ....what are you keeping from  me" she shuts her eyes tightly

"im scared.....i have no idea what will happen when we tell alfie finn is scary when things dont go his way" I lace my hand on her lap

"sky you dont need to be scared of finn anymore i will protect you after all i am a lot bigger than him"  she shakes her head

"its not me im worried about"


sun came in through the hotel window my eyes flash open sitting up and stretching my arms above my head i lean back agaisnt the bed i pick up my phone a message from will i swallow

"you honestly think your going to get your preasious little zoe back" i text back

"i know im going to get zoe back because i have a offer for you"

"oh really and what would that be?" i stare at the screen for a minute

"I will do absoultly anything you want in return for her"

"thats really tempting but there is only one thing i want and you already know what that is"

"i will do it" i put my phonr in my pocket and head into the kitchen taking a glass of water alfie walks in dark circles more appearnet under his eyes"did you get any sleep" he shrugs taking a couple tynol "mate you have got to get sleep its not healthy" he glares at me

"its not your girlfriend now is it!" i put my hands up in surrender taking a few steps back

"sorry" i say he growls taking a apple and falling into the chair i  walk past him seeing our bullet proof vests on the table i see the handle of the gun peeking out under it i glance back he was just starring at the wall off in a daze now would be the perfect moment but then i picture my self holding the gun to him mothing the words im sorry as i pull the trigger i can see him on the ground blood pooling under his body i shake my head i cant kill him not today.


i scoop my arms under her legs  holding her tightly to my body i make my way down the stairs the night man was alseep so i didnt have to anwser any questions i carry her out into the parking lot putting her in the back seat she couldnt sit up so i lid her down putting the seat belts on her she would wake up in six hours so that gave me time to switch our location  i get in the drivers seat and start the engine


about two hours later the sun was just starting to rise i didnt quite know where we were heading but i knew i had a plan once i got there we would stay over night then take a plane to america in the morning we needed to get out of the country if i was going to get away with this.


six hours have past since i drugged zoe i could see her starting to stir  i look up at a street sighn that read air port 20 miles i thought for a mintue and decided to change the plans we are getting on a plane first. zoe sat up she blinked her eyes and starred at me


"yes but i can repay do you feel about traveling the world"

Until i see you again (zalfie)Where stories live. Discover now