Until i see you again (zalfie)

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HEELLLO! if you havent read just a click away (zalfie) then i suggest you do that first because you will be very confused :) for all the previous readers welcome back are you ready for a rollercoaster of emotions and dramatic events because shit is going to go down i love you all and thanks for reading you have no idea how much all your comments mean to me also if any of you know how to make trailers i would greatly appreicate it if you made one for just a click away for me i will dedicate  thi story to you and follow you it would be amazing to have a trailer thanks for everything xx


i must have fell asleep because when i opended my eyes i was lost i had no idea where he was taking me i shut my eyes again praying that i am only dreaming that im still with alfie on his couch that im not being kidnapped by my ex boyfriend but then i open my eyes  and im still here i can see in the corner of my eye will is still asleep he must have  pulled over ....is there any freaking chance i can escape i put my hand on the handle of the door and give it a push  no use he has the child lock on it i curse under my breath i check look around the car to see if there is any other way to get out withount waking him up....there is no chance of me ever getting out through the back and i cant go out his door so im stuck here....i see a light on the floor of the car "yes' i whsiper his phone it must have fell out of his pocket or something i pick it up a text from finn

"you are a bastard what the bloody hell is wrong with you ! you are going to jail" quickly i text him back

"this is zoe ! will is a asleep he dropped his phone on the car floor im in a red car the lisence plate number is  HJK 758 " i hit send  i flash back to will forcing me into the car i made sure i saw the lisence plate number and remembered it finn is quick to reply

"zoe are you okay has he hurt you " i look at my arm there was a bruise forming from him holding me to tightly but other then that i was okay ...i guess

"yeah im fine just please find me im so scared i have to put the phone down dont answer me im deleting these messages" i delete everything and put the phone back where it was will starts to stir  i lean back and pretend to be asleep i can hear him moving

"oh" he whsipered reaching down to pick up his phone my heart started to beat faster please let there be no evidence please  he doesnt say anything else and puts in back in his pocket i pretend to just wake up glareing at him "morning sunshine " i roll me eyes and dont say anything he just shrugs and starts the engine .


i came out of my bedroom shoving my phone in  my pocket we waited two hours for any notice from the police but we got nothing and then finns phone beeped

"Its zoe!" he yelled reading it "he got her in a car she got the lisence plate number " my heart was beating fast in my chest this could be our chance he read out the number

"ask her if shes hurt!" finn nodded texting really quickly a few seconds later his phone beeped again

"shes not hurt but i cant text her back she has to put the phone down"

"i am going to call the police we can track the car and the number !" i yell taking my phone out and dialing the police number

"hello alfie we have no news on the kidnapping sorry"

"well we do! zoe texted us we have the lisence plate and color of the car shes in we also have wills number we can trace it to where they are!"

"thats good to here come down to the station as soon as possiable "

"be there in a few mintues "


we all piled into one car and head down to the station we gave the officer the lisence and number
"okay we have come to the conclusion that he is taking her to paris but at any moment they could switch cars we just have to make sure that the phone stays on him"

Until i see you again (zalfie)Where stories live. Discover now