Chapter 3: Blending In

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It was one day after the titan shifters have infiltrated the enemy lines, now they have to blend in the crowd while looking for the founding titan and don't attract too much attention to themselves

All of them were sitting together near a fire on some old logs, a perfect place out of reach for any curious ears

Reiner: I think we should split up while looking for informations.

Marcel: It will be very dangerous and unnecessary if we can try something more safe.

Lukimaro: I'm with Reiner on this one.
It will be more efficient if we split up and try to get information.

Bertholdt: I don't know it sounds pretty dangerous if we all go alone.

Lukimaro: We're trained soldiers Bertholdt there's nothing you should be scared of but if something is to happen to any of us we transform and crush the threat.

Marcel: It's way to dangerous to transform here where everyone can see us.

Lukimaro stands up and looks at the others

Lukimaro: There doesn't have to be anyone left to see us.
Anyways the most effective option would be to at least split in groups.
I'm going alone tomorrow at sunrise.

Annie also stands up looking at him

Annie: But you said we have to split in groups how is it fair for you to go alone?
Are you even thinking about what you're doing?

Lukimaro: Yes I'm leaving the four of you so you can have a pair while I go alone which doesn't bother me one bit since I've already been used to wandering on the streets.
It's settled I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm not letting any of you guys stop me.

He goes inside while the rest of the group are looking at him leaving with worried expressions

Early in the morning before anyone has woken up Lukimaro decides to leave before the others have a chance to stop him but once outside he sees Annie waiting for him in front of the door

Annie: Why is you that has to leave on his own?
Why isn't it Marcel or Bertholdt?

Lukimaro: Look Annie I've been on the streets before I don't need a titan to survive.
I'm not gonna change my mind no matter what you do, it's the best for all of us.

He attempts to pass by her but she pulls him into a hug face buried in his chest while he leaves out a heavy sigh

Annie: Please stay safe and come back soon.

Lukimaro: I promise I'll be back as soon as possible.

He pulls out patting her head after which he finally leaves while Annie looks at him with tears in her eyes

After half a day of travelling either on foot or hidden on top of a carriage Lukimaro finds himself at the sunset in front of an Inn with a few money he took from here and there inside his pocket enough for a few meals

He goes inside where is full of soldiers as he makes his way to the counter where a young woman is serving

Barwoman: Oh hello there little guy where are your parents you shouldn't be walking around alone at this hour.

Lukimaro: I don't have any I'm on my own.
I would like to buy dinner.

Barwoman: Alright little guy to and take a seat at a table and I'll be coming with your meal as fast as possible.

He nods and makes his way to a nearby table but on his way one of the soldiers grabs him by the collar

Drunk soldier: You don't know it's dangerous to walking alone at this hour on the streets?

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