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I'm very happy because you are arrive to me for weekend, and I planned all two days. You arrive by train in Saturday morning, at 10 am. I booked that. We first going to my home, and at 12 am we are going to see a river and bridge with so much padlock from couples, after we're going to the best restaurant in city. I have idea! We will go to fountain in central park. On Sunday we are going to cinema and shopping in a shopping centre. After film we will go to a food festival, where we will eating everything what we want! You comes back to home at 7 pm or 8 pm by train too.

Dzieło mojej 12 letniej kuzynki, która wręcz błagała mnie żebym to gdzieś wstawiła (Nie wiem dlaczego). Stwierdziłam że najbezpieczniej na wattpada, więc łapcie list do nieistniejącej psiapsi.

Nudzi Ci się? Zapraszam!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz