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I checked my list of things to pack one final time just to make sure I had everything. Downstairs everyone was getting ready to say goodbye before I left with my friends on our little vacation. All except Demetri and the Volturi.

The Volturi left a few months ago just after graduation to return to Volterra. Someone had to rule the vampire world and see to it that no laws are broken. Demetri, on the other hand, was seated on my bed since I started packing the last stuff this morning. I tried ignoring his pleading looks, although it was extremely difficult. We had a talk the previous night, where I tried explaining to him why I had to go on this vacation. One, to hang out with my friends one last time, two, when we start college, we'll be too busy to hang out, and three, once I'm a vampire vacations on sunny beaches during daylight were off-limits.

"Then I can go with you." He tried reasoning, "Please, love, I don't think I can stay sane without being with you."

I sighed, "Even if I wanted you to come, which I really do, you can't. We'll be outside most of the time, the sun will shine. You can't expose yourself to humans. Plus, I don't think I'll have enough excuses to tell my friends why you kept disappearing to hunt, or to why you sit the sunny days out. Please try to understand."

I zipped up the last bag and stuffed my phone in my jean pocket. Demetri was still staring at me without saying a word.

I sighed miserably, "You know, you're going to make this very hard for me to enjoy."

He still didn't talk. It was his way of getting what he want, I knew him for eighteen years remember? He had those childish ways. There was only one thing left to do now. I crawled over him on all fours and straddled his legs, letting my hands trail down his chest. Slowly, I kissed down his jaw to his neck, feeling him tense underneath me. Before I knew it, his hands were on my waist and his lips on mine. The kiss was slow but hungry, almost as if it was our very last one. He started unbuttoning the first three buttons of my shirt before I pulled back.

"If we do this now, I'll never leave."

"That's the plan." He smiled sadly.

"Demetri, I-"

"No, Grace." He spoke softly, "You don't have to explain. I'm being selfish keeping you from your friends if I'm bound to spend forever with you eventually. Please forgive me for being so stubborn."

I smiled and pressed a quick kiss on his lips, "It still doesn't make it easier to leave."

He helped me up and grabbed my bags before heading downstairs. The whole family waited outside to see me off. Mom looked ready to cry, if it was possible. Everyone got a chance to say goodbye. Alice handed me the scrapbook of memories before I could hug her.

"There's still a few empty pages." She explained excitedly, "I want to see a picture of every place you went, every stop you made, every meal you had. They're memories! Don't disappoint me."

"Will do, Alice." I smiled before hugging her goodbye as well.

Finally, we were over the sad and exciting goodbyes and Demetri offered to take me to the airport. The drive there was quiet, but we didn't need to speak anyway. Jamie and Kit kept calling the whole time to see if I'm on my way and if I heard anything of Cory yet. Apparently, he was running fashionably late. Luckily, I saw all four of them waiting at the airport when we arrived. Demetri helped me with my luggage once again, being a gentleman even when he's upset.

"You made it!" Mikey exclaimed when seeing the two of us walking towards them.

I greeted them all with quick hugs before turning to the man that was making it extremely hard for me to leave. Slowly I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. Demetri's hands trailed up my back and around my shoulders, caging my head and blocking my view from the busy airport. He knew I liked these kinds of hugs. Before I could pull away, though, his hands cupped my face and his lips crashed onto mine. Flashbacks of prom filled my head and I melted into the kiss. For that perfect moment, all the noise died down, all my thoughts revolved around him, and all my body craved were his hands and mouth.

He pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine, "If you need anything, if anything is wrong, call me. I'll find you."

I smiled, "And if I just want to chat?"

"Then you do that, princess." He smirked, "I'm up all day and night anyway."

Realizing my friends were waiting, I prepared the final goodbye, "Tell Mom and Dad I'll call every night, please. And tell Alice she'll have her scrapbook when I get back. And as for you, is it too early to say I love you?"

Demetri's crimson eyes grew fifty shaded darker as he leaned down to my ear and whispered the words I've been dying to hear, "I love you too, Grace. Here, take this with you." He placed his Volturi crest in my hands and closed them with his own, "Just in case."

Tears were brimming in my eyes and I pressed a quick kiss on his lips before waving goodbye, and carefully shoving the crest in my pocket. If I was going to cry, it will be inside the plane. Otherwise, I'll never leave this place. When I reached my friends they were all smirking and had those silly looks on their faces.

"You've broken up with Caiden three months ago and you're already smooching another guy?" Jamie asked, "You're fast, girl! Wait, isn't he family?"

I smiled, "No, Demetri's just a family friend. We're kind of inseparable, so it was only a matter of time before he made the first move."

"He's definitely better looking than Caiden." Kit said, "Like 300% hotter."

"Yes, he is." I sighed dreamily.

Cory's mom packed us a few goodies to eat while we wait to board the plane. When we finally found our seats, I realized that this was my first time on a plane, well, other than when I was a baby. That didn't count since I was too young to embrace the feeling of flying. I landed a spot between the small window and a very excited Kit. Jamie was stuck between her brother and Cory in the row next to mine. Cory seemed tense and I remembered that he still had a crush on my best friend and that he was stuck next to her for a little over eight hours. Speaking of eight hours...

I pulled out my camera and snapped a few pictures of my friends and I. Alice wanted a scrapbook, and she's going to get one. Besides, I needed the distraction from the long eight hours and the person I was leaving behind. I made a mental note to call him as soon as the plane lands. Until then, I'm going to keep snapping memories and maybe take a nap.

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