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My fingertips lightly grazed over the soft, spiky weight on my chest. Whatever dream I had, disappeared when the sun broke through the tiny window and fell right on my face. Opening my eyes a little, I saw Demetri's head on my chest, his eyes were closed and his face was peaceful as if he was really sleeping.

"You awake?" I teased and felt him hum, his voice sending vibrations through my whole body.

"Vampires don't sleep, love."

"Well, you could've fooled me, love." I smirked and combed my fingers through his hair, "Are we there yet?"

He pushed himself up with ease and opened the door of the jet, "Why don't you see for yourself?"

I hopped off the seat and hurried towards him. The moment I leaned out to examine our honeymoon destination, I was blinded by the brightness of the sun reflecting off a shell white beach. When I grew adjusted to the light, I could see the ocean, which caught my attention first, then after that, a tropical rainforest that outlined the entire area. We had to be on an island or a private beach.

Demetri grabbed my luggage with ease and signalled me to follow him. I could only nod and stare at the dark trees ahead of us. We didn't walk that far at all. Turned out that if you find the tree with the pink island roses growing around it, you take a sharp right and come face to face with a two-story beach house that was hidden from plain sight.

"What is this place?" I asked in astonishment.

He smiled over his shoulder back at me, "A few decades ago, the Volturi had a run-in with some Brazilian nomads who were creating newborns in every village they came across. I had to track them down so Aro could discuss matters with them, see if they're not creating a newborn army. They convinced Aro that they weren't breaking any laws and that the newborns were only people with critical deceases that had not much time to live. They also told us of a house on a deserted island a few miles from the coast of Maui that locals believed was haunted. We could use it for whatever needs we had. So Marcus suggested this place for an ideal honeymoon residence."

I looked back at the way we came from and saw the sun reflecting off the white sand. This wasn't a place for a vampire, not with all this sun. If it wasn't for the rainforest, Demetri's would've sparkled right now. He pushed open the door and placed my luggage around the corner, before scooping me up bridal style and carried me inside. I yelped as he lightly threw me over his shoulder and carry me through the house upside-down.

"Demetri put me down!" I giggled and gave his back a little punch, "How the hell should I admire the house from this angle?"

He didn't say anything, just squeezed my thighs and continued walking up the stairs. Before I knew it, he threw me down on a bed and attacked my neck with kisses. Instinctively, I snaked my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair, while my legs wrapped around his waist. His lips worked magic on the tender skin between my neck and shoulder and I could just feel his fangs poking against me. I tightened my grip on his hair and pulled his face up to mine, crashing my lips onto him in burning passion. We were alone, castaways on a deserted island, no one could hear, see or know what we do. Why not do it? But when I undid his first button and my fingertips grazed his cold chest, he pulled back.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I sighed and let my legs untangle from his waist, "We're alone and married. I'm Grace Volturi now. Why do you still hold back?"

"Not yet." Was all he said.

"Are you afraid that I might get hurt?"

He smiled, "A little, but that's not the whole reason."

"Then what is?"

Demetri pecked me on the lips before speeding off and returning two seconds later with my bags, "You, my love, should get dressed. I don't think that jeans and a sweater are suitable for what we're going to do. It gets warm at night, so the winter suitcase can go back to the jet. No need for that. I'll be waiting downstairs."

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