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Third Destination - France

We landed in Paris a few days ago and got to see most of the tourist attractions. Of course, the Eiffel Tower was first on the list. We packed enough for a decent picnic under it, complete with a plaid blanket, lots of French bread and baguettes, chocolates and strawberries, and finally, a bottle of French champagne.

Cory handed me a bowl of grapes and sat on the opposite of me, "Let's do this. James, keep score."

We played an interesting game where I tried throwing the grapes into his mouth, while he also tried catching those that flew too high.

"Whoa, I got this one." Kit jumped in front of Cory and caught the grape perfectly in her mouth, "Take that, rock star."

"Kit wins!" Jamie announced, "Just because she made that awesome catch."

The next day we went to most of the museums and art galleries. Kit and Jamie enjoyed it the most. Mikey brought two PSP's for him and Cory while we girls toured the place. Kit got a little bored when we reached the abstract exhibits and decided to take a selfie with one of the paintings in the background. An attractive security guard approached her immediately afterwards.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Please don't take pictures of the artwork."

"Sorry, I was just taking a selfie." She apologized.

He smirked and winked, "I know."

I've never seen Kit blush so much since I've first met her in high school. It took almost three sodas and a snow cone afterwards to cool her off. After the museums and artsy stuff, we did what the boys wanted to do, which was wall climbing and visiting Le Crazy Horse, an erotic club with girls sliding down poles wearing only light and breezy clothing. Okay, they didn't go there for the girls entirely, only to see if there's a restaurant.

The next day we did the thing I've been waiting for three months. Disneyland! We got lost four times on the way (it was Mikey's fault) but eventually found the place where the giant magical castle towered over us. First, a few selfies to fill the scrapbook pages before we entered. Jamie and I went crazy. Kit walked behind the boys for her own protection and sanity.

"Oh, my trees! Mickey!" Jamie squealed, "Snow White! Rapunzel!"

I was all about Peter Pan and Frozen but took pictures with each and every character we found on the way. Finally, I came across Elsa and Anna and my inner fangirl just jumped out. Kit had to take pictures until the camera's battery flashed yellow, and Mikey needed to change it for a newly charged one. We did a few rides and fun activities and later found a fantasy restaurant to eat dinner at.

I sat between Cory and Jamie, which just wouldn't do, "Cory, let's switch chairs. I want to ask Mikey something about the brightness on my camera."

"Uh, sure." He muttered and took the seat next to Jamie.

I smiled secretly and handed Mikey the camera, spinning some sort of question about the lenses to get a conversation starting. However, the atmosphere between Jamie and Cory was getting unbearably awkward and I wasn't having any of it. I kicked Cory's leg underneath the table hard enough to let him choke on his drink. He glared at me and I let my eyes do all the talking, signalling for him that it's now or never, move now or forever hold the peace.

"Jamie." He spoke up with newfound courage - or more frustration in my opinion." Everyone stared at him, curious about what he wanted to say. "I've known you from the time when we took baths together as kids. I know you love trees and recycling, you sleep with your nightlight on because you're still afraid of the boogeyman, and that you secretly love Justin Timberlake. You don't like lightning and you cry when watching movies with animals as the main characters. You love the taste of honey over pancakes and waffles, you have a strange phobia when pink and red are touching, and you believe that ladybirds are a sign of good luck. What I also know with my whole heart, Jamie Young, is that I've been in love with you since our first kiss in that plastic pool your mom put us in when we were three. You've rejected me once, I've been friend-zoned for five years and I've had enough."

With one swift movement, he pulled her face towards his and kissed her as if it was the most natural thing to do. Kit and Mikey's eyes almost popped all the way out of their heads. Mikey's jaw dropped and the mint he was busy eating fell out into his coke float. I smiled satisfyingly. If only Demetri was here. The mint in Mikey's coke made the drink explode into his face, knocking him out of his mini trance. Cory pulled back and Jamie pulled him back immediately.

Before they could start a whole make-out session, Kit cleared her throat, "Not to ruin the moment, but the next round is on Cory."

Jamie chuckled and was about to throw a witty comeback when her eyes got glued to the entrance of the restaurant. "Uh, Grace." She muttered, "You better turn around."

I followed her gaze and froze.

Leaning against the door frame, holding a single rose in his hands, was the person I missed the most that very moment. I didn't care if everyone was staring, I shot up and launched myself at Demetri, wrapping my arms around his neck in a tight embrace. He spun me around before capturing my lips in a deep, passionate kiss. The crowd, the restaurant, my friends, they all disappeared and it was just Demetri and I. His lips, his hands, everything about him drove me insane and I couldn't help myself. I bit down his bottom lips, earning a low growl from him. Wolf whistles from my table drove us apart. Jamie, Mikey, Cory and Kit were smiling widely and made googly eyes when we joined them.

Mikey turned to Kit, "Want to kiss?"

She pointed her knife at him, "I will cut you."

He held his hands up in defence, muttering something about how he really needed to find himself a girlfriend.

"How'd you get here?" I asked, still surprised and shaky from his lips, "When did you get here?"

Demetri smiled, "I needed to return to Volterra for a few days and stopped by. Don't worry, I'll be back before your vacation is over." I couldn't care less about the vacation and snuggled into his side.

"Ugh, your cuteness is so cute it's almost gross." Kit smirked, "Just get out of here already. We'll get the bill."

Demetri grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. When he was sure no humans were nearby, he picked me up and ran off in vampire speed. I closed my eyes and wrapped both arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. Suddenly, he stopped and gently put me down. My heart missed a few beats when seeing the view from the very tippy-top of the Eiffel Tower. It was absolutely...

"Breathtaking." Demetri's voice drew me back.

I turned to face him with the best seductive look I could manage, "Indeed, the view is breathtaking."

"I wasn't talking about the view, Grace." He replied and ran his fingers down my arms and grabbed my hips.

I gasped, and in that short moment, he had access to my mouth. This wasn't the normal kiss we shared. This one was hungry, rough and lusty. And I loved it. Honestly, if it was some other guy, Caiden for example, that kissed me this way, I'd push him away and accuse him of an attempt of rape. But Demetri, oh no. He can kiss me like this and do far more and I'll allow him to do just that. Because I'm his.

As easy as that.

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