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In all honesty, I wasn't prepared for what was coming at the end of class that day, but I knew I really couldn't escape it. I swallowed a lump as I glanced at my watch, checking the time. Unfortunately, the class was about ten minutes from being over and I couldn't come up with any good reason to leave early. I wasn't that type of student anyways, I wanted to be there for everything. That was how I maintained the straight A's and the four point zero all through school and now college. I assume I was a good student.

"Alright everyone. I'm going to call the models in. But first, grab a piece of paper from this bucket." The instructor of the realism art course gave a small white bucket to one of the students at the front of the room. "You will get a number that corresponds to a model. We will not do any trading."

I felt my throat swell up at the thought of being put with a woman. I had absolutely nothing against women, in fact I thought they were fascinating and beautiful. That was the issue, I was afraid of embarrassing myself in front of someone beautiful - someone flawless and gorgeous. My palms were sweaty already, all my nerves were tingling. People mumbled amongst themselves as the bucket went through the classroom. The door opened about a minute later and a line of people came in.

"We'll wait until everyone has a number before we go any further." The instructor said with a smile.

Before I even realized it, the bucket reached me. I dropped my hand inside and pulled out a number from the dwindling pile of folded paper pieces. I held my breath in my lungs as I passed the bucket and checked the number I had. Six. My eyes shot up to stare at the line. I counted the sixth person from the left of the line and saw a guy with blond hair, he looked average. Then, I also counted from the right side, just in case, and saw another guy. Somewhat, I was relieved that I wouldn't be working with a woman.

"Alright. Do all of the models remember their numbers?"

Nobody said anything in protest, so the instructor began calling out numbers. The person with number one walked down to the front.

"Alright, model number one, this is Chrissy."

Suddenly, my eyes went wide as I watched someone from the middle of the line step out of the order and went to meet the student. I then I realized then that the order was random. My eyes roamed over everyone, trying to observe the crowd. My mind was so distracted, jumbled, and anxious that I hardly heard the instructor call out my number.


I looked at her and raised my hand nervously. She saw who it was and smiled at me, apparently it was known that I was one of her favorites and most talented students.

"Ah! Lovely, come on down, Harry." She said with a bright grin.

I took a deep breath and gathered my things from my seat, knowing that we could leave after matching with our models. Nervously, I went to the front of the class, staring at the floor to avoid everyone's gaze. People always looked at me, but I never understood why.

My instructor smiled as I got to the front and stopped in front of her. "Model number six?" She called out happily.

My heart was hardly beating. I didn't even dare to lift my gaze when I heard the sounds of shoes hitting the floor. I could sense someone getting closer, but I really wished that I could disappear. The aroma of a pretty cherry scented perfume filled the space around him. It was such a nice scent, like nothing I've ever smelled before. It was definitely a woman, I just knew it. That made things worse. I wasn't very social and I hated meeting new people, especially when it came to working on projects. The models weren't for just one project, they were going to be for the entire semester and the next, since the course doubled over. It was only the middle of September. Unfortunately, I had a long way until May.

"Introduce yourselves in the hallway, please." The instructor didn't want a lot of chatter going on while she was linking the students to their chosen models.

Without even sparing a glance at the person, I headed for the door. I heard footsteps following me into the big hallway. When I stopped by the wall, I leaned my shoulder against it, praying that the person wasn't  attractive to my eyes. I saw feet move in front of me, and then a thud as someone leaned onto the wall - somewhat copying my position.

"Hi.." A girly voice spoke suddenly, causing my heart to pump violently. "I'm Sloane."

The beautiful name rang in my ears, I had never heard such a pretty voice before. I cleared my throat and gripped the strap of my bag tight enough to make my knuckles turn white. I picked up my head and allowed my eyes to finally uncover the identity of the model. Instantly I was distracted by the utter stunning beauty of the woman in front of me.

Her eyes were the purest, most incredible shade of blue I had ever seen. I've mixed hundreds, probably thousands of different shades of blue, yet never seen something so beautiful. Golden waves of soft, flowing hair fell over her shoulders and past her waist. Her button nose gave her a youthful glow, and her subtle Cupid's bow showed off her glorious lips. They were flushed in color and plump, so big and full. I thought things i shouldn't have about them, like how soft they were and how they'd feel against my own. Her chin was round, and her facial structure was amazing. Her high cheek bones and perfectly arched brows made my lungs cease up. Her skin was fair, but the faint freckles dotted across her nose and forehead told me she enjoyed the sun at times. Her cheeks had a natural pinkness to them. I had never witnessed something so perfect and extravagant.

"Um.. Hi." I muttered nervously, shoving my hands in my pockets. "I'm, um, Harry."

She turned her lips into a smile. "Nice to meet you."

I took a moment to observe her frame. She was shorter than me, by a little more than half a foot. She was wearing a black tshirt with a phrase written in French and light blue jeans. I was quite familiar with the language, but my head was clouded - I couldn't think of the meaning of the words. I tried to not look at the features that made her a woman, but I couldn't help it. Her chest was full and her hips were wide and I just assumed her back side was round and full. Her thighs were big, too, but she looked perfect. Honestly, I didn't feel guilty for observing her, she was my model anyways.

"Um, nice to meet you, too."

She looked down at her phone to check the time. "So, if you're free now we can go grab a coffee or something and talk about the first project."

"Um.. I have, um, my sculpture class." I looked away from her piercing eyes. "Um, but after that.. I believe I'm free."

She smiled and gave me a nod. "That'll work. I have to go by the library for a while anyways."

"Um.. okay. Which, um, cafe?"

She thought for a moment before answering. "The Sunflower Cafe.. it's off campus. Is that okay?"

"Sure, yeah."

She done something on her phone, opening a new contact for me to fill out. "Here you go.. so we can be in touch."

"Oh, uh, sure." I nervously took the phone, hoping she didn't see how bad my hand was shaking.

I put my name and number in to show phone, then passed it back. Without her having to ask, I pulled out my own phone and gave it to her. She done the same and smiled sweetly when she gave it back.

"Thanks, Harry." She said, slightly blushing.

Oddly enough, I was very observant, so I noticed the way her cheeks tinged with the color pink. I gulped and nodded back to her, unsure of what to say. Before I knew what was happening, she waved me goodbye and walked off. My heart was full of anxiety and I wasn't quite sure how this project would go. The longer I thought about it, the more I didn't want to do the project, but I knew he had to. It was going to be an intense struggle.

She was such a beautiful woman.


🍒A/N: thank you for reading, i hope it's a good start! I've worked hard on this story. Also, her name is pronounced like "Loan" with an s before it. Sloane. Pls comment any errors so I can fix them! xx

Woman ☆ Harry Styles AU Where stories live. Discover now