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It was no one but hiram !!!!! ...... Ash screams as she open her eyes realising that it was a horrible night mare !

Gets off bed and sees her mom sleeping with a giant snore......as she has no room for her she and her mom sleeps together as they live in a one living hall apartment which not even has a room.....

Now its been years since ash's dad left home for work ......but still that girl can't get over that she has a father whom never cares about her either her education , even his wife.. and why would all these dreams are like her own dad intimidating .......

Well she is soo a deep thinker .......getting hurt mentally by no one but by herself!

Where both parents are like hell ....she never finds herself in a happy place (or) able to make herself happy...

Ash( pov) :

Summer has been over ...i finished ma fifth grade in an elementary school ....

suchha terrific holidays I went through getting always cursed by my mom , women who always gets pissed off at watever happens in home and not having enough money to run the family makes her more depressed and I never knew what her love feels like for me...

She never allows me to play with other children in streets like stay at any of ma friends house or not even like go buy some stuffs with...

All my other mates used to hang out in different level of entertaining each other , but my fate has been written strong and I used to watch other children play with skaters , shuttle and cocks, their shinning shoes make ma eyes stare like ma eyeballs would  fall out of it......

How it feels like when you live in a family where no one cares about you eat or sleep or they don't even know what grade are ya in ?! Don't have to go for relatives in family ....wat if they were your parents who birth you

Nothing is worst than this in this world !

Now its time for me to find another elementary school to finish ma last year and its not gonna be so fancy or like rich fatty people walk in the corridors like born with silver spoon ...

.....as we moved on to another state coz of not able to pay those bulky bills and tax that those city sides offer us....... and anyways I dont like rich schools tho..

and as my father who exists physically but never makes me feel like he is real......and my mom who always yells at me for nothing as being pressured by ma fathers care for ma family...

I sometimes go to park or someother places and see kids as my age happily holding hands with their parents ...warming under them and getting cuddles and hugs .. those loud laughs of a father and his daughter.......always been like watching a movie that never tends to happen in my life ......

Only one place where I get happy just for a short period of time is ma grandmas house where my cousins and aunt , uncles are present...I rarely get to meet them...

Hope yall doin well !

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