Epiphany ~ Chapter 34.

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-Y/N's POV-
"Am I the only one who has a bad feeling about this altercation in the Imperial demon army?" I asked, nonchalantly munching on an apple,

"I don't know much about it, but hearing that from you really does scare the crap out of me." Takana glared at me, considering how I was supposed to be her main source of reassurance and hope as the most familiar one with the army,

"Oh, yeah? Well I don't know much about this one, sorry to disappoint." I deadpanned, "Not to mention I'm about to give birth."

It had been 3 months since Guren had left and as relaxed as I seemed to be, the contact between us gradually reduced until there was none and that worried me a lot,

"When was the last time you spoke to Guren?" She asked,

"A month ago."

"You seem too relaxed, you must be used to it." She stared at me in genuine confusion and concern,

"Ah, you see that's where you're wrong, Takana." Naomi interrupted, "Y/N is used to remaining calm in quite worrying situations and this is one of them."

"Wow Naomi, aren't you the socially intelligent one?" I nodded in approval,

"That and you aren't eating my food as much as you used to and I'm feeding Ira instead. You can't just let our niece or nephew starve." She spoke sternly, before placing a plate in front of me, "Now eat, or else..."

I chuckled at her referring to the baby as her niece/nephew, "Or else what? You gonna snitch to Guren who we haven't even heard from for a month?" I managed to ruin the mood again,

"That's ineffective I was thinking more force feeding-"

My eyes widened, "Bit extreme." I sighed, "What about you though Takana when was the last time you spoke to Kai?"

"Last week." She almost mourned,

"If I was Y/N I would beat you up for that." Naomi almost instigated,

"Don't get me wrong, I'd love to but I simply don't have the energy." I assured her, earning a pointed look from Takana,

"Which is why you need to eat." Naomi reiterated, "Trust me you don't want to be fed by me, Y/N." She sinisterly uttered my name syllable by syllable,

"Wow this is really good." I began to nervously stuff my mouth,

It wasn't long until a sleepy Ira and Miya walked into the kitchen,

"Ah, Naomi, where's Y/N's leftovers?" She asked, rubbing her tired eyes,

"On their way to Y/N junior." Naomi announced triumphantly at being able to somewhat make me regain my appetite,

"What? Screw Y/N junior what am I going to eat?" She was suddenly awake, this newfound energy being channeled into being bratty,

"How mean, if you want Y/N senior to starve just say that Ira." I glared at her, referring to myself in third person on purpose,

"I'm going to make brunch, I'll make some for you too," Miya reassured the agitated teenager,

"Ignore Ira, she's just mad that she won't be the baby of the house anymore." Takana tutted,

"Oh come on guys, I've gotten over that since Nico you know this."

"See I thought that too until I saw you run to 'help him pack his stuff'" Naomi shot her an accusing look,

"Some people just never change." I sighed, amused at her actions, "Anyway, Naomi my wonderful caretaker?"

"Caretaker?" She raised her eyebrows,

Epiphany. [Guren Ichinose x Reader] ➥ Book 2. [Semi-hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now