Epiphany ~ Chapter 30.

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Considering the new threat you were currently faced with you and Guren had to search for bugs or any possible surveillance devices that may have been placed without the two of you knowing; it was very likely that whoever sent the letter may have put something to track the two of you.

"I've found nothing." You said putting down the debugging device in the compartment in front of the passengers seat,

"Me neither. That's good at least."

The two of you drove for quite a while, possibly into the neighbouring town before Guren gave you the burner phone to make the phone call, even then he didn't stop driving and kept going.

You dialled the number, "Hello?" You were surprised to hear a nervous voice from the other side of the phone. You and Guren exchanged glances before you spoke, "Hi, Yuna, it's me Y/N."

Her voice brightened up, "Ah, Y/N. It's been a while how have you been?"

"I've been great! How about you, is everything okay on your end?" You thought you should ask considering how on edge she sounded,

"I'm fine." She reassured, "Say, did you receive the letter Nico sent you?"

Her voice faltered for a bit, "He was excited to send it to you."

"Mhm!" You confirmed, and Guren looked at you, "I actually was calling to let you know that I'll send him a reply too, but I didn't exactly get your address when we were there."

"Ah you're right! Have you got a pen and paper? Or should I just text it to this number?"

"You can text it here."

"Okay! Thanks for calling, Y/N. I'm looking forward to your response."

"Hope to see you and Nico soon!" You bid goodbye before hanging up,

You looked at Guren, "I don't know about you but I'm pretty convinced."

"Well...do you want to meet up with them?" He glanced at you briefly before returning his eyes to the road,

You thought for a while the notification sound briefly cutting off your concentration, "Wait have you got pen and paper?"

"Erm, check the compartment."

You opened it and found a pen, some paper napkins- which would have to do, and other small necessities. You took the two that you needed and quickly took note of the address she sent, before pocketing it and handing Guren the phone.

"I'll see them." You finally said, "I have a checkup next month, I can go and see them on that day, since I'll be out anyway."

He rolled down his window "That sounds okay, hopefully I won't be called back so I can go with you." His voice strained at the end as he threw the phone out and proceeded to run it over.

"Geez, was that necessary?" You laughed as he stepped on it and you felt the car bump slightly as he drove over the phone,

"Extra precautions won't hurt." He grinned,

"Wait, stop the car real quick." You gave him a smirk and he quirked his eyebrow before stopping the car near a bridge,

You quickly jumped out of the car and jogged to where you could see the semi-crushed phone, picking it up and casting it a short glance before throwing it over the edge of the bridge and into the river below.

You walked back to the car and found the window to your side had been rolled down,

"Was that necessary?" He copied you,

Epiphany. [Guren Ichinose x Reader] ➥ Book 2. [Semi-hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now